
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-11-27 13:16:37
上 传 者weigj
说明:  Jabber协议的开发服务组件的C++库,现在很难找到,原本是VC7的,我修改了可以用VC6。
(development services components of the C library, it is difficult to find that the original VC7, I can change the VC6.)

jecl-win (0, 2005-11-27)
jecl-win\.cvsignore (14, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\CVS (0, 2003-12-12)
jecl-win\CVS\Entries (93, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\CVS\Entries.Log (89, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\CVS\Repository (10, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\CVS\Root (47, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\JECL-Win.sln (9995, 2002-05-03)
jecl-win\libbedrock (0, 2005-11-27)
jecl-win\libbedrock\.cvsignore (16, 2002-05-03)
jecl-win\libbedrock\CVS (0, 2003-12-12)
jecl-win\libbedrock\CVS\Entries (146, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\CVS\Entries.Log (27, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\CVS\Repository (21, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\CVS\Root (47, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs (0, 2003-12-12)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\.cvsignore (7, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\bedrock.tpr (4659, 2002-05-09)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\bedrock.tws (522, 2002-05-05)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (262, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ConnectSocket.dfSequence (24839, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\Connect_Activity.dfActivity (21633, 2002-05-05)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\CVS (0, 2003-12-12)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\CVS\Entries (835, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\CVS\Repository (26, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\CVS\Root (47, 2003-01-07)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\default.dfPackage (2830, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (289, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ListenAccept_Activity.dfActivity (22603, 2002-05-05)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (306, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (95, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\Socket state.dfState (13181, 2002-05-09)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (57, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (105, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (559, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\docs\ (90, 2002-04-30)
jecl-win\libbedrock\LIBBEDROCK.dsp (4285, 2003-01-21)
jecl-win\libbedrock\LIBBEDROCK.dsw (545, 2003-01-21)
jecl-win\libbedrock\LIBBEDROCK.ncb (82944, 2003-01-21)
jecl-win\libbedrock\LIBBEDROCK.opt (55808, 2003-01-21)
... ...

This is the README for the ServerConnectionManager external component. I. Building ./bootstrap ./configure [--enable-debug] [--enable-tests] make -- II. Configuring Jabber to connect with SCM SCM must be registered as a service in the Jabberd XML configuration file (typically jabber.xml). The configuration should look something like: 12345 guess 100 Unless otherwise noted, all configuration options are simply tagged data (e.g. Also note that the service ID ("scm" in the previous example) determines what the configuration section will be called; for example: ... ... If you do not match the service ID with configuration sections xmlns attribute, SCM will be unable to load its configuration from jabberd. -- Currently, SCM _requires_ the following options: * max_connections: The number of inbound/outbound connections you wish to support. Once the limit is reached, the connections with the least amount of traffic will be timed out to make room for new connections. Also note that connections are forced to expire periodically to ensure a fair distribution of connection utilitzation. See connection_timeout option. * hostname: This is the DNS resolvable hostname which SCM will bind to and listen for incoming connections on. -- Additionally, SCM _permits_ the following options: * threads: This controls the number of threads in the primary thread pool. This thread pool is used by all components within SCM: routing, I/O management, etc. Default value is 3. * listen_port: This sets the port on which SCM listens for incoming connections. If you change this from the default (5269) be sure to setup a SRV record so that other servers can find you. * connection_timeout: This controls how long connections (inbound/outbound) are permitted to live (in minutes). Connections are periodically, forcibly closed to ensure fair utilization of the system. This option controls how long connections are permitted to live before being closed (regardless of traffic). Default value is 10 (minutes). * max_read_bytes_per_second: This controls the maximum inbound traffic in terms of bytes per second. By default, there is no limit. * max_write_bytes_per_second: This controls the maximum outbound traffic in terms of bytes per second. By default, there is no limit. * blacklist: This permits IP blacklisting of incoming connections. It should look something like: -- III. Starting SCM The SCM executable is found in the src/ directory off the main distribution. It will be named 'scm' or 'scm.C'. After registering SCM with the jabberd XML configuration, and starting the jabberd, you can start SCM with a simple command: ./scm [1|0] The 3 parameter (1|0) determines if SCM attempts to contact jabberd or if it waits for jabberd to contact it. The value 1 will cause SCM to open a connection to jabberd; the value 0 has the opposite effect. -- IV. Iteration Information * Iteration 2: - DNS/SRV support - Centralized configuration - Rate-limiting/IP blocking * Iteration 1: - Basic functionality -- V. TODO A. DNS 1. SRV Records 2. Asynch lookups B. Configuration 1. Initial Startup 2. Interface with jabberd central configuration mechanism C. Bouncing Packets D. Shutdown/Reconnecting E. Performance / out of memory F. Multiple scm & remote box tests


