开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2010-09-21 16:08:11
上 传 者swgwy
说明:  ax11015的使用,对于初学者很有用途,包含以太网的驱动,·······
(ax11015 use, great use for beginners, including Ethernet drivers ,·······)

TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD\ax11000.bin (92649, 2007-02-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD\ax11000.plg (0, 2010-05-18)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD\ax11000_Uv2.Bak (5629, 2006-07-25)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD\ax11000.Uv2 (4928, 2010-05-18)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD\ax11000.Opt (3739, 2010-05-18)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD_RT\ax11000.Uv2 (5970, 2007-02-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\BUILD_RT\ax110xx.bin (92641, 2007-02-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\COPYRIGHT (3151, 2008-07-22)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\hex2bin.exe (8192, 2003-03-04)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\History.txt (2083, 2007-02-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\makeruntime.exe (32768, 2007-02-07)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\cgi.c (5347, 2006-05-09)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\cgi.h (419, 2006-01-20)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\fs.c (4785, 2006-07-25)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\fs.h (3203, 2006-01-05)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\httpd.c (11554, 2006-05-16)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\httpd.h (2646, 2006-02-14)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\tcpecho.c (7855, 2006-05-16)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\APPLICATION\tcpecho.h (2, 2006-01-26)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ax11000\main.c (4370, 2007-01-24)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\ax11000.h (2648, 2006-04-20)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\ax11000_cfg.h (1790, 2007-02-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\history.txt (788, 2006-05-15)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\interrupt.c (5604, 2006-04-20)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\interrupt.h (1629, 2006-04-20)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\interrupt_cfg.h (2190, 2006-05-16)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\REG80390.H (18109, 2005-11-24)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\types.h (2810, 2006-04-07)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\CPU\ax11000.c (7775, 2010-06-28)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\mac.c (15090, 2006-11-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\mac.h (4823, 2006-11-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\phy.c (6297, 2006-12-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\phy.h (3563, 2006-11-08)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\stoe.c (20356, 2007-01-18)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\stoe.h (6406, 2007-01-18)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\ETHERNET\stoe_cfg.h (3896, 2007-01-24)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\LWIP\api\api_lib.c (16510, 2005-11-10)
TCPIP Stack\lwIP without OS_v105\SRC\LWIP\api\api_msg.c (20348, 2005-11-10)
... ...

Notes for use uIP -------------------------------------------------------- Configure uIP option -------------------------------------------------------- This package already include uIP TCP/IP stack, and configure some option for AX11000. If you want to use the original uIP which download from uIP web site, there are two parameters must be changed. 1. Set "UIP_LLH_LEN" in uipopt.h, if you set "STOE_TRANSPARENT = STOE_TRANSPARENT_MODE", the value set to "14", else if "STOE_TRANSPARENT = STOE_NON_TRANSPARENT_MODE, the value must set to "0". 2. Set "UIP_FIXEDADDR" to "0". -------------------------------------------------------- Running Applications -------------------------------------------------------- This package only run the default uIP application: Web Server. If you want to change or add new applications, please see uIP reference manual. This document is included in uIP package which download from uIP web site.


