
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-12-06 21:33:02
上 传 者sea_faye
说明:  Winamp插件编程,用于开发Winamp的插件,插件都以Dll的形式发布。
(Winamp plug-in program for the development of Winamp plug-in, plug-ins have to Dll form.)

dsp_test (0, 2004-01-31)
dsp_test\DSP.H (1634, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\DSPECHO.C (7270, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\DSPECHO.MAK (7221, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\DSPECHO.MDP (34304, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\DSPECHO.NCB (41984, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\RESOURCE.H (547, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\SCRIPT1.APS (16776, 1998-09-24)
dsp_test\SCRIPT1.RC (2196, 1998-09-24)
gen_ml (0, 2003-11-13)
gen_ml\childwnd.h (1521, 2003-11-13)
gen_ml\gaystring.cpp (802, 2003-10-21)
gen_ml\gaystring.h (343, 2003-10-21)
gen_ml\itemlist.cpp (2042, 2003-06-25)
gen_ml\itemlist.h (1369, 2003-06-25)
gen_ml\listview.cpp (3033, 2003-11-08)
gen_ml\listview.h (3318, 2003-11-08)
gen_ml\ml.h (13683, 2004-01-10)
gen_ml\ml_ex (0, 2004-01-31)
gen_ml\ml_ex\ex.rc (3577, 2003-03-04)
gen_ml\ml_ex\ml_ex.dsp (4955, 2003-03-07)
gen_ml\ml_ex\ml_ex.dsw (533, 2003-03-04)
gen_ml\ml_ex\resource.h (2578, 2003-03-04)
gen_ml\ml_ex\view_ex.cpp (26402, 2003-11-08)
gen_ml\ml_lib.cpp (3883, 2003-11-08)
gen_tray (0, 2004-01-31)
gen_tray\GEN.H (343, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\GEN_TRAY.DSP (4757, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\GEN_TRAY.DSW (539, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\ICON1.ICO (1078, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\ICON2.ICO (1078, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\ICON3.ICO (1078, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\ICON4.ICO (1078, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\ICON5.ICO (1078, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\RESOURCE.H (1828, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\SCRIPT1.RC (3206, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\SYSTRAY.C (808, 1998-12-26)
gen_tray\TRAYCTL.C (5160, 2004-02-02)
gen_tray\WINAMPCMD.H (2914, 2004-02-02)
in_raw (0, 2004-01-31)
... ...

Winamp 5 SDK ------------ This ZIP file contains various SDKs for creating new plugins for Winamp 5. Here's a description of the various folders: /dsp_test - Sample code for a DSP test plugin /gen_ml - Headers and IPC calls for accessing/controlling/querying the Media Library /gen_ml/ml_ex - Sample code for a Media Library plugin /gen_tray - Sample code for a General Purpose plugin /in_raw - Sample code for an Input plugin /lang_b - Sample code for a Language Pack plugin /maki - Compiler for building Maki binaries /out_raw - Sample code for an Output plugin /vis/vis_avs/apesdk - Sample code for an AVS APE plugin /vis/vis_avs/ns-eel - Nullsoft Expression Evaluator Library (NS-EEL) This is what powers AVS's expression evaluators, feel free to include/modify the code in your own AVS APE plugins /vis/vis_test - Sample code for a Visualisation plugin /vis/wa5vis.txt - Describes how to embed your visualisation plugin in the Winamp 5 drawer /winamp - Headers and IPC calls for controlling Winamp


