
上传日期:2010-10-08 22:55:53
上 传 者lostmj
说明:  十分频 quartus实现 有RTL图
(RTL is a graph realization of the frequency quartus)

divide_10.qsf (3114, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.qws (625, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.sim.rpt (11787, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.sof (496537, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.sta.rpt (69760, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.sta.summary (939, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.v (609, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.v.bak (548, 2010-10-08)
divide_10.vwf (2708, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.(0).cnf.cdb (1513, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.(0).cnf.hdb (738, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.asm.qmsg (2232, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.asm.rdb (1331, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.asm_labs.ddb (10439, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cbx.xml (91, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.bpm (446, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.cbp (198, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.cdb (3641, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.ecobp (28, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.hdb (8129, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.kpt (213, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.logdb (8257, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp.rdb (19098, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cmp_merge.kpt (217, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cuda_io_sim_cache.31um_ff_1200mv_0c_fast.hsd (289717, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.cuda_io_sim_cache.31um_tt_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd (286403, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.db_info (152, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.eco.cdb (176, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.eds_overflow (3, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.fit.qmsg (21884, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.fnsim.cdb (1450, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.fnsim.hdb (8057, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.fnsim.qmsg (2955, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.hier_info (317, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.hif (834, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.lpc.html (430, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.lpc.rdb (400, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.lpc.txt (1060, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.map.bpm (434, 2010-10-08)
db\divide_10.map.cdb (1545, 2010-10-08)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


