
上传日期:2012-01-04 18:13:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  比特币中心
(Bitcoin Central)

Capfile (320, 2012-01-04)
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Rakefile (271, 2012-01-04)
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app\assets\images\delete.png (378, 2012-01-04)
app\assets\images\details.png (768, 2012-01-04)
app\assets\images\fancybox (0, 2012-01-04)
app\assets\images\fancybox\blank.gif (43, 2012-01-04)
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app\assets\images\fancybox\fancy_nav_right.png (1454, 2012-01-04)
app\assets\images\fancybox\fancy_shadow_e.png (107, 2012-01-04)
... ...

# Bitcoin Central Bitcoin Central powers, a bitcoin trading platform. It is : * Open Source, * Based on Ruby on Rails, * Fully localizable, * Multi-currency. # Installation Linux and Windows setup work well, I found the easiest to be an Ubuntu install ## Windows * Install Ruby and MySQL * Install Ruby Development Kit ( * Install rubygems ## Linux (Debian flavors) * Install required packages $ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libssl-dev irb rubygems mysql-server libmysql++-dev build-essential git-core * Add gem binaries to path and re-login # I simply add this at the end of /etc/bash.bashrc (feel free to point out a cleaner way) PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin" ## Common * Install the `bundler` rubygem, it will easily manage and compile all the other dependencies $ sudo gem install bundler * Fork project if relevant * Check out sources with git $ git clone * Get into the sources directory $ cd bitcoin-central * Compile and install the required dependencies $ bundle * Log-in to MySQL console and run the following commands. If you are installing a production machine you'll obviously need to pick different credentials. Update the `config/database.yml` file accordingly. > CREATE DATABASE `bitcoin-bank_development`; > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `bitcoin-bank_development`.* TO 'rails'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'rails'; * Run a couple of rake tasks (omit the `RAILS_ENV` option if you're setting up a development environment, Rails will grab the database configuration in the `config/database.yml` file under the right section (development, test, or production) $ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production * Edit config/bitcoin.yml to be able to connect your instance to a bitcoin client, the `config/bitcoin.yml` file contents are self-explanatory, just add a production section if you're deploying on a production server. * You're good to go! Run the rails server $ rails s Your fresh instance should now be running on `http://localhost:3000/` ! ## Production deployment Usually, Rails applications are deployed in production using nginx or Apache, I'll introduce the Apache option. The `capistrano` tool is used to automate pretty much every deployment step. Deploying a new version is as easy as typing `cap deploy` in your local command prompt. To use the `cap` sweetness a couple of extra steps are required : * You'll need to fork the project since all your deployment configuration is stored in `config/deploy.rb`, these configs are pulled directly from GitHub when deploying, so go for it, change them to suit your needs. * Set the remote machine up by typing `cap deploy:setup` * Log in to the remote machine and create the production configuration files in `{APP PATH}/shared/config/*.yml`, they will be used in production (you don't want your production passwords hanging around on GitHub do you ?) * Create the remote DB * Now you can run locally `cap deploy:migrations`, this will update the remote sources and run the migrations on the remote database * Now you just need to install the `passenger` gem on the remote server which will install an apache module * Create an apache virtual host and you're good to go. You'll just need to issue a `cap deploy` locally for any subsequent deployment. # Contributions All are welcome, improvements, fixes and translations (the string extraction bounty has been paid). * The use of the `Numeric#to_f` method is big no-no, every single numeric that passes through the code should be typed as `BigDecimal`, * Bugfixes should include a failing test, * Pull requests should apply cleanly on top of `master`, rebase if necessary # Music Bitcoin-Central was, and is currently being developed with the following musical background : * [Ali Farka Toure - In The Heart Of The Moon]( * [Latches](***8&sr=1-1) * Tons of [Django Reinhardt]( * [Bireli Lagrene - Blue Eyes]( * Lots of [Gary Potter]( * [Tchavolo Schmitt](, [Romane](, [Angelo Debarre]( * .... # License AGPL License. Copyright 2010-2011 David FRANCOIS


