
上传日期:2010-10-27 14:51:12
上 传 者guangyang
说明:  嵌入式LINUX下音频采集与播放代码,可以实现语音信号采集与播放。
(music play source code for linux)

vplay\vplay\CVS\Entries (368, 2008-05-04)
vplay\vplay\CVS\Repository (26, 2008-05-04)
vplay\vplay\CVS\Root (45, 2008-05-04)
vplay\vplay\CVS (0, 2008-04-14)
vplay\vplay\etc.magic.vplay (353, 2007-10-02)
vplay\vplay\fmtheaders.h (1932, 2007-10-02)
vplay\vplay\Makefile (502, 2008-09-28)
vplay\vplay\mixer.c (3438, 2007-10-02)
vplay\vplay\recplay.c (4119, 2007-10-02)
vplay\vplay\vplay (14412, 2007-11-14)
vplay\vplay\vplay.c (20333, 2007-10-02)
vplay\vplay\vplay.o (16484, 2007-11-14)
vplay\vplay (0, 2007-10-26)
vplay (0, 2010-06-17)

Digitized Audio Utility for Linux ver. 0.3 ============================================ This directory contains vplay.c, a modified version of recplay.c. vrec and vplay -------------- These programs can be used for recording and playing: CREATIVE LABS VOICE files MICROSOFT WAVE file raw audio data. Both programs accept the same options: vrec [-qvwrS] [-s speed] [-t seconds] -b bits [filename1 ...] vplay [-qvwrS] [-s speed] [-t seconds] -b bits [filename1 ...] -S Stereo (default is mono). -s speed Sets the speed (default is 8 kHz). If the speed is less than 300, it will be multiplied by 1000. -t seconds Sets the recording (or playback) time in seconds. (Default is no time limit). -t bits Sets sample size (bits/sample). Possible values are 8 and 16 (default 8). -v record a CREATIVE LABS VOICE file (default) -w record a MICROSOFT WAVE file -r record raw data without header -q quiet mode The options for speed, time etc. take only effect if you playing raw data files (or recording). VOC and WAVE-files include this information in their headers/internal structure. If no filenames are given, stdout (vrec) or stdin (vplay) is used. The -t parameter applies to each files. For example vrec -r -t 1 a b c records one second of audio data to each of the files a, b, and c and vplay -t 1 a b c plays the first second of each of the files a, b and c (if its raw audio). Don't use higher recording speeds than your card supports. This error is not always detected by the driver. vplay supports: - the full CREATIVE LABS VOICE structure: Silence, Repeat loops (on seekable input), Stereo, ASCII blocks, blocks with different sampling rate - on non-stereo cards (SB 1.0 - 2.0) 8 bit stereo files will be played as mono (the first channel is used) - on non-16-bit cards, 16 bit WAVE files will be played as 8 bit (you can really play on a SB 1.0 a 16 bit stereo WAVE file, or buy ...) unsupported: - packed VOC files (because /dev/dsp can't it (yet ?)) - multi block WAVE files (if there exists like VOC files, my specs says no but RIFF definition yes ???) - not PCM coded WAVE files (because I don't know other methods) - more channel WAVE files (somebody has a quadrophonic sample?) Michael Beck beck@informatik.hu-berlin.de


