
上传日期:2013-04-04 21:34:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Roboduel,可编程的机器人格斗游戏,具有自己的特定领域编程语言
(Roboduel,Programable robot fighting game with its own domain specific programming language)

SpecRunner.html (1798, 2013-04-05)
coffee (0, 2013-04-05)
coffee\ (1885, 2013-04-05)
coffee\ (4711, 2013-04-05)
coffee\ (1835, 2013-04-05)
coffee\ (93, 2013-04-05)
coffee\ (9972, 2013-04-05)
coffee\ (251, 2013-04-05)
index.html (5183, 2013-04-05)
lib (0, 2013-04-05)
lib\backbone.js (57055, 2013-04-05)
lib\jasmine-1.3.1 (0, 2013-04-05)
lib\jasmine-1.3.1\MIT.LICENSE (1061, 2013-04-05)
lib\jasmine-1.3.1\jasmine-html.js (20765, 2013-04-05)
lib\jasmine-1.3.1\jasmine.css (6537, 2013-04-05)
lib\jasmine-1.3.1\jasmine.js (70892, 2013-04-05)
lib\jquery-1.8.3.min.js (93637, 2013-04-05)
lib\underscore.js (41344, 2013-04-05)
peg (0, 2013-04-05)
peg\robo.peg (2309, 2013-04-05)
peg\roboParser.js (57159, 2013-04-05)
spec (0, 2013-04-05)
spec\roboParseSpec.js (1740, 2013-04-05)
spec\robotSpec.js (2869, 2013-04-05)
styles.css (2890, 2013-04-05)

RoboDuel ========= Code the strongest bot to win --- - HTML5/JS Dom-node game - Control your robot by writing its program before the duel starts - The robot runs programs written in a RoboCode - Destroy the enemy robot before it destroys you >"RoboDuel is the game I've wanted to play since the first time I discovered the wonderful flash game, [Light-bot]. The goal is fun with a sprinkle of educational value!" ### Development status - Robots can be either created or downloaded and placed into the arena - Parser and interpretter for the robots' programming language written - Programs are user editable and robots immediately respond - Robots can fire missiles - Branching, looping and variable declarations are supported in robocode - Robots can be saved and loaded to the server via load and save buttons - Game design still evolving ### Todo - Make UI clearer in game - Remove example codes - Style buttons to stand out even when not hovering - Fix saving on edge cases - Add screenshot to instructions ### Development tools and environment of choice RoboDuel is written in [CoffeeScript], using the Sublime (with VIM support via Vintage and VintageEx). All development has been on Chrome and MacOS. [Backbone.js] is used to structure the code. The parser for the robot language was made with [PEG.js] and the initial basis for the interpreter was scheme. ### Links - Author's [development blog] - [Introductory video and feedback page] - Author's twitter [@toshuo] Installation -------------- 1. Clone the repo: `git clone` 2. Change to the RoboDuel directory: `cd RoboDuel` 3. compile the coffescript: `coffee --compile -o js/ coffee/` 4. open the file: `open index.html` Testing ------- - Jasmine (in the SpecRunner.html) for most things - For testing of the parsing of robot grammar run mocha from the command line `mocha -u tdd -R spec roboParseSpec` License - Creative Commons - Attribution, Share-Alike [Light-bot]: [development blog]: [Introductory video and feedback page]: [CoffeeScript]: [Backbone.js]: [PEG.js]: [@toshuo]:


