
上传日期:2013-05-17 23:40:23
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  浏览器中的node.js HTTP服务器
(A node.js HTTP server in your browser)

LICENSE.txt (1070, 2013-05-18)
browserver.js (8248, 2013-05-18)
package.json (294, 2013-05-18)

browserver-client ======================== This is a [browserver]( client, for the browser. browserver-client exposes the important bits of the [node.js]( [http API]( in the browser, allowing it to receive incoming HTTP requests and make outgoing HTTP requests via WebSockets. This library, along with [browserver-node](, is all the code you need to set up your own browserver. Example ------- In `index.html`: ```html My Browserver App ``` In `app.js`: ```javascript // to handle incoming HTTP requests, // use the standard node.js http.Server API var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { if (req.method != "GET") { res.writeHead(405, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}) return res.end("Method not allowed") } var pathname = req.url.split("?")[0] if (pathname != "/hello") { res.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}) return res.end("Not found.") } res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}) res.end("Hello, world!") }) // establish a WebSocket (or compatible) connection, // in this case using var ws = new eio.Socket({host: ""}) // bind the browserver HTTP server to the WebSocket // and wait for connections from the browserver proxy! server.listen(ws) // to make outgoing HTTP requests w/o cross-domain issues, // use http.get or http.request http.get("", function(res) { console.log("Google answered back!") }) ``` API --- The browserver-client API is basically a port of the node.js [http API](, with a few caveats: - Streaming is not supported. This means a `ServerRequest` or `ClientResponse` will only emit one `data` event, and that multiple calls to the `write` method of a `ServerResponse` or `ClientRequest` will be buffered locally and sent when `end` is called. The `data` events are provided for compatibility, but aren't technically needed, since the body itself is stored on the `body` property of the `ServerRequest` or `ClientResponse`. - The aspects of the node.js implementation that don't map well to the browser (such as `writeContinue` and `addTrailers` methods, and client agents) have been omitted. Otherwise, if there is a method or behavior that differs from what you'd expect on node.js, please [file an issue]( TODO ---- - Include more client tests in the phantomjs tests run for [browserver-node]( - Make an exhaustive list of the HTTP APIs supported and not supported. - Consider enabling support for `addEventListener` events.


