
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-01-01 12:12:37
上 传 者westlife
说明:  1 这是我用VC做的电子表格平台,可实现对窗口表格视图和其背景数据库的若干基本操作。 (a动态创建新表, b在表中添加、删除行、列, c打开、保存、另存表格, d制作了一个属性对话框来修改表格的基本属性,如行数、列数、标题等) 用户可通过视图上操作改变背景数据库 2 数据库操作采用ADO, 背景数据库采用Access 视图采用单文档界面和CGridCtrl控件 3 本软件在运行时,在debug文件夹中要考入“资料”的access文件,否则出错 4 请版主批评指正,谢谢
(This is a VC do I use electronic forms platform, to achieve the View window forms the background and some of the basic database operations. (Dynamic creation of a new table, b, in the table to add, delete rows and columns, c open, preservation, separate forms, d produced a dialog box to change attributes form the basic attributes, such as the number of firms are few, Heading etc.) users can view on the background change operation two databases using ADO database operation, background View Access database using a single interface and documentation controls three CGridCtrl software Win And when the debug folder to be admitted to "information" access to the documents, Otherwise, please moderator four errors criticism correction, thank

M1D.dsp (5941, 2005-09-19)
M1D.dsw (529, 2005-09-18)
M1D.h (1323, 2005-09-18)
M1D.opt (100352, 2006-01-01)
M1D.rc (15017, 2005-09-19)
M1DDoc.cpp (1682, 2005-09-18)
M1DDoc.h (1442, 2005-09-18)
M1DView.cpp (22603, 2005-09-20)
M1DView.h (2895, 2005-09-19)
MainFrm.cpp (2504, 2005-09-18)
MainFrm.h (1581, 2005-09-18)
MemDC.h (3507, 2005-03-31)
OPenAccessDlg1.cpp (2584, 2005-09-18)
OPenAccessDlg.cpp (3746, 2005-09-18)
OPenAccessDlg.h (1560, 2005-09-18)
Resource.h (1607, 2005-09-19)
StdAfx.cpp (205, 2005-09-18)
StdAfx.h (1264, 2005-09-18)
TitleTip.cpp (9722, 2005-03-31)
TitleTip.h (2777, 2005-03-31)
Debug\M1D.exe (389187, 2006-01-01)
Debug\资料.mdb (561152, 2006-01-01)
Debug (0, 2005-12-01)
res\M1D.rc2 (395, 2005-09-18)
res\M1DDoc.ico (1078, 2005-09-18)
res\M1D.ico (1078, 2005-09-18)
res\Toolbar.bmp (1078, 2005-09-18)
res\Thumbs.db (6656, 2005-09-19)
res (0, 2005-09-21)
CellRange.h (4720, 2005-03-31)
dlg_saveNew.cpp (994, 2005-09-19)
dlg_saveNew.h (1239, 2005-09-19)
DlgJudge.cpp (946, 2005-09-19)
DlgJudge.h (1214, 2005-09-19)
DlgPPTIES.cpp (2942, 2005-09-19)
DlgPPTIES.h (1445, 2005-09-19)
GridCell.cpp (7078, 2005-03-31)
GridCell.h (6243, 2005-03-31)
GridCellBase.cpp (26728, 2005-03-31)
... ...


