
上传日期:2006-01-06 10:39:00
上 传 者shuidi
说明:  ReadWorld RSS 聚合新闻 阅读器 XML 欢迎使用ReadWorldRSS阅读器 1 这个程序更改了我上回发布的《聚合新闻(RSS)阅读器》的一些错误。 2 新增了频道列表的拖放功能,及导入,导出(OPML)功能。 3 重新设计了一下界面 4 本程序是仿照《新郎点点通》设计的,其中没有使用线程,一些功能需要连接网络可能会暂时失去响应情谅解 5 欢迎大家使用提出宝贵意见。 6
(ReadWorld RSS feeds news reader welcomed the use of XML ReadWorldR an SS readers of this change in procedure on my back to the "syndication (RSS) reader" some mistakes. The two new channels of drag-and-drop function list, and importing and exporting (OPML) function. 3 redesign of the interface about four procedures are modeled on the "little-groom" design, which does not use threads, Some of the functional needs of the network may temporarily lose response to continued understanding 5 Everyone is welcome to use their valuable opinions. 6 Thank you,)

Code\Project1.cfg (386, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ADDChannel.dcu (13909, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ADDCRow.dcu (6743, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ChanP.dcu (5057, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_InPutRss.dcu (9830, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_OuptRss.dcu (14225, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_RSS.dcu (55180, 2005-12-30)
Code\FM_RssAbout.dcu (3579, 2005-12-05)
Code\FM_ViewRss.dcu (4641, 2005-12-22)
Code\UN_CSS.dcu (57977, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ADDChannel.ddp (51, 2005-12-27)
Code\FM_ADDCRow.ddp (51, 2005-12-23)
Code\FM_ChanP.ddp (51, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_InPutRss.ddp (51, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_OuptRss.ddp (51, 2005-12-28)
Code\FM_RSS.ddp (51, 2005-12-30)
Code\FM_RssAbout.ddp (51, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ViewRss.ddp (51, 2005-12-22)
Code\FM_ADDChannel.dfm (65838, 2005-12-27)
Code\FM_ADDCRow.dfm (55268, 2005-12-23)
Code\FM_ChanP.dfm (2756, 2005-12-06)
Code\FM_InPutRss.dfm (2518, 2005-12-28)
Code\FM_OuptRss.dfm (1911, 2005-12-27)
Code\FM_RSS.dfm (203421, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_RssAbout.dfm (746914, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ViewRss.dfm (2780, 2005-12-22)
Code\Project1.dof (1462, 2005-12-29)
Code\Project1.dpr (577, 2005-12-29)
Code\IndexPage.html (5444, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_ADDChannel.pas (5867, 2005-12-27)
Code\FM_ADDCRow.pas (2266, 2005-12-23)
Code\FM_ChanP.pas (1077, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_InPutRss.pas (5452, 2005-12-29)
Code\FM_OuptRss.pas (9658, 2005-12-28)
Code\FM_RSS.pas (36333, 2005-12-30)
Code\FM_RssAbout.pas (536, 2005-06-13)
Code\FM_ViewRss.pas (1070, 2005-12-22)
Code\UN_CSS.pas (48594, 2005-12-11)
Code\IndexPage.RC (29, 2005-11-19)
Code\indexpage.RES (5524, 2005-12-29)
... ...


