
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-01-11 13:18:11
上 传 者tanyonghfut
说明:  一个很好的源码,有关VC中界面,这是一个被重写的控件
(a good source, the VC interface, which was a rewrite of Control)

Animated Cursors (0, 2001-07-12)
Animated Cursors\3drbusy10.ani (5626, 1998-01-10)
Animated Cursors\3dybus11.ani (5628, 1998-01-01)
Animated Cursors\Alarm Clock.ani (10104, 1995-10-01)
Animated Cursors\Chick.ani (13688, 1997-03-16)
Animated Cursors\COIN.ANI (7114, 1999-03-23)
Animated Cursors\DINOSAUR.ANI (4804, 1999-03-23)
Animated Cursors\GLOBE.ANI (6300, 2000-10-15)
Animated Cursors\Hard Disk.ani (4720, 1997-10-11)
Animated Cursors\HOURGLAS.ANI (12144, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\Inside your Computer busy.ani (20282, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\Inside your Computer wait.ani (18086, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\MOONPHAS.ANI (6334, 1993-11-06)
Animated Cursors\More Windows busy.ani (38292, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\Nature busy.ani (11298, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\Science busy.ani (7808, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\The 60's USA busy.ani (7860, 1998-05-11)
Animated Cursors\Ying Yang.ani (8924, 1995-09-20)
Extended Msgbox.vbp (1004, 2001-07-12)
Extended Msgbox.vbw (90, 2001-07-12)
Icons (0, 2001-07-12)
Icons\Box.ico (2238, 2001-07-11)
Icons\BULLSEYE.ICO (1078, 1998-04-24)
Icons\Transp.ico (2238, 2001-07-11)
Links (0, 2001-07-12)
Links\Animated Cursors in VB.url (180, 2001-07-12)
Links\BlackBeltVB.com- How to load an animated cursor for use in your VB app.url (186, 2001-07-12)
Links\Center a Message Box over a Form (freevbcode).url (168, 2001-07-12)
Links\Modifying a Message Box with SetWindowsHookEx.url (344, 2001-07-12)
Links\Q180936 - HOWTO Position a MsgBox Using a Windows Hook Procedure.url (202, 2001-07-12)
Links\VB-World - Tips - Using Animated Cursors.url (158, 2001-07-12)
Mainform.frm (3112, 2001-07-12)
Mainform.frx (1102, 2001-07-12)
mExtendedMsgBox.bas (6525, 2001-07-12)

Place Animated Cursors in Standard Messsageboxes ================================================ Licence: Do anything you like with it. Contact: Bribobs@mail.com It is possible to hook messages associated with the standard message box to play around with its restricted form (e.g. change button captions, etc.) This example goes a bit further and allows the changing of the icon from one of the four available to any (static) icon. Also, a routine is included to place an animated icon (*.ani file) on a form, or anything that has a hwnd property. By finding the hwnd of the Msgbox icon in the hook procedure, the animation can be placed in the msgbox, as shown in this example. Note: animated icons cannot usually be loaded from resource files in Windows 9.X (they can be in NT, and probably Windows 2000), and must be loaded from a file. When expanding this zip, tick "use folder names" so the example program can find the anis in the proper place. Brian Reilly July 12th 2001.


