
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-01-07 22:33:16
上 传 者yangliuqiang
说明:  利用哈夫曼编码进行对已有文件进行重新编码,大大提高减小文件大小,减少存储空间,也就是压缩。在文件使用时,再对压缩文件进行解压缩,也就是译码,复原原有文件。
(Using Huffman coding re-encoding of existing files, greatly reducing the file size increase, reduce storage space, which is compressed. When used in the file, then extract the compressed file, that is, decoding, restoration original document.)

Szip\Szip.sln (877, 2006-12-25)
Szip\Szip.suo (31232, 2011-01-07)
Szip\Szip.ncb (2173952, 2011-01-07)
Szip\debug\Szip.ilk (460356, 2010-12-27)
Szip\debug\Szip.exe (69632, 2010-12-27)
Szip\debug\Szip.pdb (584704, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Szip.vcproj (4711, 2010-12-26)
Szip\Szip\stdafx.h (376, 2006-12-25)
Szip\Szip\stdafx.cpp (291, 2006-12-25)
Szip\Szip\Szip.vcproj.rgong027.Administrator.user (1413, 2006-12-25)
Szip\Szip\HTNode.cpp (103, 2006-12-25)
Szip\Szip\Szip.vcproj.507AD1C728164E3.Administrator.user (1427, 2011-01-07)
Szip\Szip\Debug\BuildLog.htm (13762, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\Szip.exe.embed.manifest (403, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\vc80.idb (248832, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\Szip.pch (1048576, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\vc80.pdb (258048, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\stdafx.obj (10909, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\Szip.obj (50349, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\Huffman.obj (94082, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\Szip.exe.embed.manifest.res (468, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\Szip.exe.intermediate.manifest (385, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug\mt.dep (69, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Huffman.h (851, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Szip.cpp (1575, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\HTNode.h (176, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Huffman.cpp (11484, 2010-12-27)
Szip\Szip\Debug (0, 2010-12-26)
Szip\debug (0, 2010-12-26)
Szip\Szip (0, 2010-12-26)
Szip (0, 2010-12-26)

======================================================================== CONSOLE APPLICATION : Szip Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this Szip application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Szip application. Szip.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. Szip.cpp This is the main application source file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named Szip.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" comments to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


