
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-01-07 22:41:20
上 传 者yangliuqiang
说明:  “火烧连营”是三国演义中的著名典故之一广为流传,假定文本文件c1.txt是火烧连营中的军营分布图,每个字符A代表一个营帐,营帐是可燃物,其他字符代表不可燃的空白地段,输入任意点的x和y值作为着火点,“火烧连营”后,被燃烧的营帐标上字符’X’,并把整个结果输出到文件c2.txt中。
(" Burning the Camps" is a famous story of the Three Kingdoms is one of the widely circulated assumption is Burning the Camps text file c1.txt distribution in the camp, each character A represents a tent, camp is flammable, on behalf of other characters non-combustible empty lot, enter at any point in the x and y values as the ignition point, " Burning the Camps" , the burning of the camp marked by the character ' X' , and the entire output to a file c2.txt in.)

火烧连营\debug\火烧连营.exe (77824, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\debug\火烧连营.ilk (402864, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\debug\火烧连营.pdb (568320, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\123.txt (141, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\BuildLog.htm (10978, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\mt.dep (67, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\Point.obj (43552, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\stdafx.obj (10345, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\vc80.idb (232448, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\vc80.pdb (249856, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\火烧连营.exe.embed.manifest (403, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\火烧连营.exe.embed.manifest.res (468, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\火烧连营.exe.intermediate.manifest (385, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\火烧连营.obj (75381, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug\火烧连营.pch (1048576, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Point.cpp (620, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Point.h (306, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\stack.h (1241, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\stdafx.cpp (295, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\stdafx.h (376, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\xcept.h (1083, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\火烧连营.cpp (5634, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\火烧连营.txt (2878, 2010-09-26)
火烧连营\火烧连营\火烧连营.vcproj (4746, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\火烧连营.vcproj.xx-PC.xx.user (1407, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营.sln (901, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营.suo (13312, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营\Debug (0, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\debug (0, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营 (0, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营 (0, 2010-10-12)
火烧连营\火烧连营.ncb (1657856, 2010-10-12)

======================================================================== CONSOLE APPLICATION : 火烧连营 Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this 火烧连营 application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your 火烧连营 application. 火烧连营.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. 火烧连营.cpp This is the main application source file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named 火烧连营.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" comments to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


