
上传日期:2011-01-19 10:06:42
上 传 者joneychen12
说明:  Xilinx XAPP134 SDRAM Verilog

XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim\func_sim.cfg (1434, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim\func_sim.log (49517, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim\func_sim.vpd (205679, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim\run_sim (176, 1999-06-02)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim\string_decode_fn.v (5742, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim\tb_sdrm.v (8108, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\micron\bank0.txt (200, 1999-06-30)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\micron\bank1.txt (200, 1999-06-30)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\micron\mt48lc1m16a1-8a.v (35043, 1999-06-30)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\micron\mt48lc1m16a1.v (36273, 1999-06-30)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\micron\test.v (32645, 1999-06-30)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\par\run_par (947, 1999-06-28)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\par\sdrm.edf (326569, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\par\sdrm.ucf (5164, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\par\sdrm_par.sdf (713343, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\par\sdrm_par.v (354374, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\post_route.cfg (1358, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\post_route.log (42207, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\post_route.vpd (771775, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\run_sim (310, 1999-06-21)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\sdrm_par.sdf (713343, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\sdrm_par.v (354374, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\string_decode_post_route.v (1709, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\post_route\tb_post_route.v (8034, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\brst_cntr.v (1409, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\cslt_cntr.v (1330, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\define.v (758, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\ki_cntr.v (1299, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\rcd_cntr.v (1327, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\ref_cntr.v (1423, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\sdrm.v (13915, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\sdrmc_state.v (6150, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\sdrm_t.v (5122, 1999-09-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\src\sys_int.v (7568, 2002-10-09)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\synth\run_synth (62, 1999-06-25)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\synth\sdrm.edf (326569, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\synth\sdrm.scr (3237, 1999-06-29)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\synth\setup.scr (3236, 1999-06-02)
XAPP134_SDRAM_Verilog\verilog\func_sim (0, 2002-10-09)
... ...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log: 1.11 Jennifer Tran 06/16/1999 - change controller state machine to 1-hot - add test bench, micron model - add synthesis script, place & route script, constraint file - add README file - include VHDL version 1.13 Jennifer Tran 06/28/1999 - change p_int.v to sys_int.v, remove ale signal, register all inputs from the system to guarantee 125MHz operation 1.14 Jennifer Tran 09/09/1999 - fix OFFSET constraint in par/top.ucf - minor changes to support FPGA Express and Synplicity - Note: simplicity users still need to remove use std.textio.all in all vhd files ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== = Design Description = ====================== The SDRAM controller is designed for the Virtex V300bg432-6. It's simulated with Micron SDRAM models. The design is verified with backannotated simulation at 125MHz ==================== = Design Hierarchy = ==================== sdrm (top level) sys_int (system interface) sdrm_t (SDRAM controller) sdrmc_state (state machine) brst_cntr (burst counter) rcd_cntr (ras-cas-delay counter) ref_cntr (refresh counter) cslt_cntr (cas-latency counter) ki_cntr (keep-idle-during-refresh-active counter) ================= = Design Notes = ================= DLL: (in sdrm module) ---- . dll0: use for clock mirror, provide the clock for the external SDRAM . dll1: use for deskewing clock signal inside the FPGA (Clk_j), also provide clk2x (Clk_i) Use global clock buffers for clock signals: ------------------------------------------- . There are 4 BUFGPs in Virtex. They provide low-skew high-fanout routings. Use LUT Shift Register to delay signals by certain number of clock cycles -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . delay DLL lock signal (in sdrm_t module) . delay data (in sys_int module) Registering all inputs and ouputs to SDRAM: (in sdrm module) ------------------------------------------- . All signals going to the SDRAM are registered in the IOB This makes it easy to calculate timings b/t the FPGA and SDRAM For write cycles, add FPGA Tiockp to SDRAM Tsu For read cycles, add SDRAM Tac to FPGA Tsu and . The tristate signal for the data lines are also registered in the IOB . Instead of 1 tristate signal for the Data lines, we duplicate it to 4 signals, each having 8 loads. This was done to reduce net delays on that tristate signal. The tristate signal is sd_doe_n in sdrm Use fast output buffers: (in sdrm module) ------------------------ . IOBUF_F_12: all signals interfacing to SDRAM These may create more bounce but are ~2ns faster than regular OBUFs Use NODELAY mode for input buffers: (in ucf constraint file) ----------------------------------- . The default IBUF has additional delay to give negative hold time. This eliminates pad-to-pad hold time . Set NODELAY attribute on inputs to reduce IBUF delay by about 1.5ns Set timing constraints for place & route tool: (in ucf constraint file) --------------------------------------------- . set clock period on input clock (Clkp) . set periods b/t clk1x and clk2x (Clk_j, Clk_i) . set OFFSET constraint for inputs and outputs ================ = Instructions = ================ . to run functional simulation: cd func_sim run_sim . to compile the design cd synth run_synth cd ../par run_par . to run backannotated simulation: cd post_route run_sim ============================== = Frequently asked questions = ============================== 1. Is RAS to CAS delay programmable? ------------------------------------ . No, the data registers has a fixed number of pipeline stages. This reference design supports RAS-to-CAS delay of 2 clock cycles. If you need to adjust to a different RAS-to-CAS delay, change the SRL16 Address values in sys_int.v. The address value should be (Trcd/Tck) +1 . Note, you still need to write the RAS-to-CAS value to the Controller's Mode Reg during PRECHARGE command. The value should be (Trcd/Tck) -2 2. How do I modify the design to support 128Mb/256Mb SDRAM parts with a ***-bit data bus? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . You'll need to add more IO buffers for the extra data and address signals (in sdrm.v) . You'll need to change ADDR_MSB and DATA_MSB (in define.v) . In the current design, instead of 1 tristate signal for the Data lines, we duplicate it to 4 signals, each having 8 loads. This was done to reduce net delays on that tristate signal. You may need to add 4 more tristate lines if you're going to ***-bit. The tristate signal is sd_doe_n in sdrm.v ========= = files = ========= verilog: README src/ brst_cntr.v cslt_cntr.v define.v ki_cntr.v sys_int.v rcd_cntr.v ref_cntr.v sdrm.v sdrm_t.v sdrmc_state.v micron/ SDRAM model from micron mt48lc1m16a1-8a.v func_sim/ functional simulation tb_sdrm.v test bench string_decode_fn.v display SDRAM state in ASCII run_sim script to run verilog func_sim.log verilog log file func_sim.vpd vpd file for virsim waveform viewer func_sim.cfg configuration file for virsim synth/ synthesis run_synth script to run FPGA compiler sdrm.scr Synopsys FPGA Compiler script setup.scr setup file for FPGA Compiler par/ place & route run_par script to run Xilinx place & route tool sdrm.ucf constraint file sdrm.edf link to ../synth/sdrm.edf (edif netlist) post_route/ backannotated simulation run_sim script to run verilog simulation sdrm_par.v link to ../par/sdrm_par.v sdrm_par.*** link to ../par/sdrm_par.*** tb_post_route.v test bench vhdl: README src/ brst_cntr.vhd cslt_cntr.vhd ihdlutil.vhd ki_cntr.vhd sys_int.vhd rcd_cntr.vhd ref_cntr.vhd sdrm.vhd sdrm_t.vhd sdrmc_state.vhd t.vhd t_sdrm.vhd vrlgutil.vhd micron/ ed_comnd.vhd io_utils.vhd mt48lc1m16a1-8a.v mti_pkg.vhd readme.txt stdlogar.vhd test.txt test.vhd util11***.vhd vec_gen.vhd func_sim/ README modelsim.ini run_sim tb_sdrm.vhd synth/ compile_scr sdrm.scr setup.scr par/ run_par sdrm.ucf


