上传日期:2011-01-20 10:44:58
上 传 者星无踪
说明:  遗传算法是模拟达尔文的遗传选择和自然淘汰的生物进化过程的计算模型。它的思想源于生物遗传学和适者生存的自然规律,是具有“生存+检测”的迭代过程的搜索算法。遗传算法以一种群体中的所有个体为对象,并利用随机化技术指导对一个被编码的参数空间进行高效搜索。
(Genetic algorithm is simulated Darwinian natural selection of genetic selection and evolution process model. It' s thought from biological genetics and survival of the fittest laws of nature, is a " survival+ detection" iterative process of search algorithm. Genetic algorithms in a group all the individuals targeted, and technical guidance on the use of a randomized coded efficiently search parameter space.)

GAOT\arithXover.m (1490, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\b2f.m (1495, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\binaryMutation.m (1507, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\boundaryMutation.m (1642, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\calcbits.m (1382, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\Contents.m (3021, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\coranaEval.m (1451, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\coranaMin.m (1222, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\delta.m (1471, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\f2b.m (1492, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\ga.m (10718, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo1.m (4830, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo1eval1.m (1274, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo2.m (2819, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gademo3.m (6261, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\gaot.dvi (57780, 1995-08-30)
GAOT\ (133622, 1996-01-16)
GAOT\gaotindex.html (3317, 1996-02-07)
GAOT\heuristicXover.m (2139, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\index.html (2600, 1996-02-07)
GAOT\initialize.m (3199, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\maxGenTerm.m (1265, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\multiNonUnifMutation.m (1991, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\nonUnifMutation.m (2193, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\normGeomSelect.m (2311, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\optMaxGenTerm.m (1421, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\parse.m (1459, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\roulette.m (1781, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\simpleXover.m (1614, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\tournSelect.m (1619, 1996-02-06)
GAOT\unifMutation.m (1651, 1996-02-06)
GAOT (0, 2011-01-20)

This directory contains the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox for Matlab. To use this, if you are local to NCSU and have AFS access to this directory, simply extend the matlab path here. >>path(path,'/afs/eos/info/ie589k_info/GAOT'); Otherwise, install the .m files into a directory named GAOT and extend the matlab path to that directory. The compressed tar archive and the zip file should automatically create the GAOT directory for you. The companion paper describing this toolbox is included here as This and the three demo files, gademo1.m gademo2.m gademo3.m, should be sufficient explanation of this toolbox. For any questions, comments, suggestions send mail to For a list of the files in the tool box get help on GAOT. Thanks for trying the toolbox.


