
上传日期:2015-02-12 16:33:55
上 传 者adil
说明:  A matlab package for handling n-dimentional bezier curves. A bezier curve is parametrized by controlPts - which is [N x dim] for N control points of dimension dim

adalca-bezier-c78b5c9 (0, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\+bezier (0, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\+bezier\constants.m (649, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\+bezier\draw.m (3524, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\+bezier\eval.m (5295, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\+bezier\explore.m (4481, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\+bezier\view.m (5667, 2015-02-12)
adalca-bezier-c78b5c9\beziertest.m (5162, 2015-02-12)

Bezier Curves ============= A matlab package for ND bezier curves operations A bezier curve is parametrized by controlPts - which is [N x dim] for N control points of dimension dim. Note that we use matlab matrix ordering, so the first dimension will be treated as 'y' in the 2D case. Current function support: - [`bezier.eval`](+bezier/eval.m) evaluate the curve at many points - [`bezier.draw`](+bezier/draw.m) draw the curve in a image or volume - [`bezier.view`](+bezier/view.m) visualize 2D or 3D bezier curves (even multiple curves in the same figure) - [`bezier.explore`](+bezier/explore.m) explore 2D bezier curves interactively Usage ----- Each method has several helpful options, run `help +bezier` for more help.
Run [`beziertest`](beziertest.m) for thorough examples and to see the extent of possibilities.
### Usage - Quick Start For quick use try the following: - plot of a 2D bezier curve: ``` t = bezier.eval([1, 2; 5, 5; 7, 4]); plot(t(:, 1), t(:, 2)); ``` ![github:can't display screenshot](/../screenshots/evalsimple.png?raw=true "Simple Plot") - draw a 2D bezier curve in an image: ``` vol = bezier.draw([1, 2; 50, 50; 70, 40]); imagesc(vol); colormap gray; ``` ![github:can't display screenshot](/../screenshots/drawsimple.png?raw=true "Simple Plot") - visualize a 2D curve directly: ``` bezier.view([1, 2; 70, 70; 70, 130]); ``` ![github:can't display screenshot](/../screenshots/viewsimple.png?raw=true "Simple Plot") - visualize a 3D curve directly: ``` bezier.view([1, 2, 7; 5, 5, 9; 9, 9, 9]); ``` ![github:can't display screenshot](/../screenshots/view3d.png?raw=true "Simple Plot") - explore the curves: ``` bezier.explore; ``` ![github:can't display screenshot](/../screenshots/exploresimple.png?raw=true "Simple Plot") Contact ------- [Adrian Dalca](


