
上传日期:2015-03-25 16:03:54
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说明:  这是“光速搜索”软件发布的开发包,运用USN技术实现了极速搜索,很可惜的是这个开发团队解散了,软件终止在1.0.1.280 ,令人遗憾!!!这是解散前团队发布的一个开发包。有了这个开发包就可以开发出自己的光速搜索软件。
(This is the " speed of light search" software development kit released, using USN technology to achieve speed search, it is a pity that the development team disbanded, the software terminates at, regrettably! ! ! This is the dissolution of the former team released a development kit. With this SDK you can develop your own search software speed of light.)

SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo\FinderSDK.h (1968, 2011-11-25)
SDK\FinderSDK.h (1968, 2011-11-25)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo\stdafx.h (408, 2011-11-25)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo\targetver.h (765, 2011-11-02)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo\cppdemo.cpp (1963, 2011-11-25)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo\stdafx.cpp (294, 2011-11-02)
finderlib.dll (82432, 2011-11-28)
finderlib64.dll (2775960, 2011-11-28)
SDK\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs (1432, 2011-11-28)
SDK\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo\Program.cs (3535, 2011-11-28)
SDK\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo.csproj (2533, 2011-11-28)
SDK\FinderSDK.pas (2356, 2011-11-25)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo.sln (887, 2011-11-02)
SDK\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo.sln (920, 2011-11-28)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo\cppdemo.vcproj (4626, 2011-11-25)
SDK\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo\Properties (0, 2011-11-28)
SDK\cppdemo\cppdemo (0, 2011-11-25)
SDK\CSharpDemo\CSharpDemo (0, 2011-11-28)
SDK\cppdemo (0, 2011-11-28)
SDK\CSharpDemo (0, 2011-11-28)
SDK (0, 2011-11-28)

光速搜索开发接口 Finder Development Interface ============================ 摘要: ----- 本文档描述了finderlib.dll提供的开发接口,可用函数,参数的描述,以及一些使用案例。 函数列表 ------ * [FindA / FindW](#finder) * [LaunchFinder](#launchfinder) * [IsFinderRunning](#isfinderrunning) * [CheckRequirement](#checkrequirement) Find ===== 回调函数: --------- 由调用方传入,搜索有结果返回时会被调用 TResultCallBack = procedure(Buffer: PPChar; BufferCount: Integer; TotalCount: Integer; ErrorCode: Integer); stdcall; Buffer: PPChar; 包含每个文件名的数组 BufferCount: Integer; 此次返回的(Buffer)文件名个数 TotalCount: Integer; 搜索结果总数 ErrorCode: Integer 错误代码 (0=无错,<> 0 有错) 搜索文件函数 ------------ function FindA(const AStr: PAnsiChar; const ACallback: TResultCallBack; const ADir, AFilter: PAnsiChar; const Afrom: Integer = 0; const ACount: Integer = 100; const ASpaceOr: Boolean = False; const AWholeWords: Boolean = False; const AIncludeDir: Boolean = True; const AIncludeFiles: Boolean = True; const ACaseSensitive: Boolean = False; const ATimeoutMS: Word = 1000): Integer; stdcall; function FindW(const AStr: PWideChar; const ACallback: TResultCallBack; const ADir, AFilter: PWideChar; const Afrom: Integer = 0; const ACount: Integer = 100; const ASpaceOr: Boolean = False; const AWholeWords: Boolean = False; const AIncludeDir: Boolean = True; const AIncludeFiles: Boolean = True; const ACaseSensitive: Boolean = False; const ATimeoutMS: Word = 1000): Integer; stdcall; 搜索文件函数 参数 (搜索关键词,回调函数,制定目录(单个),后缀过滤(多个),开始结果位置,返回结果数量, 是否匹配任一关键词,匹配全词,搜索目录,搜索文件,区分大小写,超时时间) 返回 Integer 错误代码 (0=无错,<> 0 有错)
const AStr: PChar; 搜索关键词
ACallback: TResultCallBack; 回调函数
const ADir: PChar; 制定目录(单个)
const AFilter: PChar; 后缀过滤(多个)
const ACount: Integer = 100; 返回结果数量
const Afrom: Integer = 0; 开始结果位置
const ASpaceOr: Boolean = False; 是否匹配任一关键词
const AWholeWords: Boolean = False; 匹配全词
const ACaseSensitive: Boolean = False; 区分大小写
const AIncludeDir: Boolean = True; 搜索目录
const AIncludeFiles: Boolean = True; 搜索文件
const ATimeoutMS: Word = 1000 超时时间
返回值 ------
ERR_OK 0 无错
ERR_COMM 3 通信出错
ERR_FINDER_VER 4 Finder版本不支持
LaunchFinder ============ function LaunchFinder: Boolean; stdcall; 启动Finder 返回 ---- 是否启动成功 IsFinderRunning =============== function IsFinderRunning: Boolean; stdcall; Finder是否已经在运行 返回 ---- Finder是否已经在运行 CheckRequirement ================ function CheckRequirement: Integer; stdcall; 监测调用环境,比如Finder是否存在 返回 ---- 返回错误值,参见Find函数返回值。 C++ 例子: -------------- // cppdemo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "FinderSDK.h" TFNfind find = (TFNfind)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(__T("finderlib.dll")),FNFind); TFNCheckRequirement CheckRequirement = (TFNCheckRequirement)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(__T("finderlib.dll")),FNCheckRequirement); TFNLaunchFinder LaunchFinder = (TFNLaunchFinder)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary(__T("finderlib.dll")),FNLaunchFinder); std::string WChar2Ansi(LPCWSTR pwszSrc) { int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszSrc, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (nLen<= 0) return std::string(""); char* pszDst = new char[nLen]; if (NULL == pszDst) return std::string(""); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszSrc, -1, pszDst, nLen, NULL, NULL); pszDst[nLen -1] = 0; std::string strTemp(pszDst); delete [] pszDst; return strTemp; } void __stdcall callback(TCHAR** buffer,int bufferCount, int totalCount,int ErrorCode){ for(int i=0; i 1)?argv[1]:(__T("")), callback, (argc > 2)?argv[2]:(__T("")), (argc > 3)?argv[3]:(__T("")), //(argc > 4)?argv[4]:(__T("")), __T(""), 1000, 0, true, false, false, false, true, 1000); } } break; case ERR_FINDER_NOT_RUN: //LaunchFinder(); break; } return 0; } Delphi 例子 -------------- 接受命令行参数为搜索条件,在C盘搜索 procedure FindCallback(Buffer: PPChar; BufferCount: Integer; TotalCount: Integer; ErrorCode: Integer); stdcall; var i : Integer; begin OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Buffer=%x, Count = %d',[Integer(Buffer), BufferCount]))); Writeln('Buffer Count', BufferCount); Writeln('Result TotalCount', TotalCount); Writeln('Error Code', ErrorCode); Writeln('Result'); for i :=0 to BufferCount - 1 do begin Writeln(StrPas(PChar(Buffer^))); Inc(Buffer); end; end; var r : string; begin try { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } Find( ParamStr(1), @FindCallback, 'c:\', '', 0, 20 ); Readln(r); except on E:Exception do Writeln(E.Classname, ': ', E.Message); end; end. C# 例子 -------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace CSharpDemo { class Program { public delegate void TFNFindCallback (IntPtr buffer,int bufferCount, int totalCount,int ErrorCode); [DllImport("finderlib***.dll", EntryPoint = "FindW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int Find***(String AStr, TFNFindCallback ACallback, String ADir, String AExcludeDir, String AFilter, int ACount, int Afrom, bool ASpaceOr, bool AWholeWords, bool ACaseSensitive, bool AIncludeDir, bool AIncludeFiles, UInt16 ATimeoutMS); [DllImport("finderlib.dll", EntryPoint = "FindW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern int Find(String AStr, TFNFindCallback ACallback, String ADir, String AExcludeDir, String AFilter, int ACount, int Afrom, bool ASpaceOr, bool AWholeWords, bool ACaseSensitive, bool AIncludeDir, bool AIncludeFiles, UInt16 ATimeoutMS); static void Main(string[] args) { if (IntPtr.Size == 4)//32位系统 Find("*.exe", FindCallback, "", "", "", 1000, 0, true, false, false, false, true, 1000); else if(IntPtr.Size == 8)//***位系统 Find***("*.exe", FindCallback, "", "", "", 1000, 0, true, false, false, false, true, 1000); } public static String[] getStringArrayFromPPChar(IntPtr buffer,int bufferCount, Encoding e) { String[] ret = new String[bufferCount]; for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++) { IntPtr cur = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(buffer, IntPtr.Size * i); List b = new List(); byte cb = 0; byte lb = 0; int pos = 0; while (true) { cb = Marshal.ReadByte(cur, pos); pos++; b.Add(cb); if (e.IsSingleByte) { if(cb == 0) break; } else if ((b.Count % 2) == 0 && cb == 0 && lb == 0) { break; } lb = cb; } ret[i] = e.GetString(b.ToArray()); } return ret; } public static void FindCallback(IntPtr buffer, int bufferCount, int totalCount, int ErrorCode) { Encoding e = Encoding.Unicode; String[] filenames = getStringArrayFromPPChar(buffer, bufferCount, e); for(int i=0; i< filenames.Length; i++){ Console.WriteLine(filenames[i]); } } } }


