
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-02-15 10:24:30
上 传 者398004976
说明:  又一个贪吃蛇i游戏的源码,虽然每一款贪吃蛇的玩法都相同,但是编程的算法却不同,本贪吃蛇有要是应用到VC++的循环队列和简单链表原理实现的,用键盘上的W/A/S/D键分别控制蛇身移动,越接越长,在游戏开始前,蛇身、食物数量可以自己设置,提醒一下,这个游戏需要你的视力特别好哦,要不然看不清楚的。
(======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : App ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this App application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your App application. App.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. App.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CAppApp application class. App.cpp This is the main application source fi)

Snake_App (0, 2011-02-15)
Snake_App\App.cpp (2057, 2009-11-19)
Snake_App\App.dsp (4105, 2005-05-09)
Snake_App\App.dsw (531, 2005-05-09)
Snake_App\App.h (1291, 2005-05-09)
Snake_App\App.rc (6781, 2005-05-31)
Snake_App\AppDlg.cpp (11964, 2009-11-19)
Snake_App\AppDlg.h (1904, 2005-06-04)
Snake_App\res (0, 2009-11-19)
Snake_App\resource.h (1145, 2005-05-31)
Snake_App\res\App.ico (1078, 2005-05-09)
Snake_App\res\App.rc2 (395, 2005-05-09)
Snake_App\res\die.wav (5690, 2002-10-25)
Snake_App\res\oysterbite.wav (4698, 2004-03-02)
Snake_App\res\playereat.wav (4698, 2004-03-02)
Snake_App\res\schoolbonus.wav (17604, 2004-03-02)
Snake_App\res\track1.wav (289190, 2004-03-02)
Snake_App\StdAfx.cpp (243, 2009-11-19)
Snake_App\stdafx.h (1185, 2005-05-11)


