
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2015-07-08 10:32:26
上 传 者4098466
说明:  本资料是我从淘宝网上购买的关于VB编写上位机控制单片机的资料,资料很齐全,是学习VB的很好的选择
(This information is written on VB, I buy Taobao computer controlled the information information is complete, a good choice for learning VB)

VB PC data and communication program\GE PLC串口通讯,VB编制,读取内存单元.rar (3359, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\PC机于51单片机之间的串口通讯,VB编的,分PC和单片机两部分.rar (2629, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB Modbus RTU源码,其中协议部分已生成DLL,可直接调用.rar (242599, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB.net实现串口编程,希望大家有用.rar (9730, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB.net开发的串口调试程序.rar (56929, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB6的串口通信程序,还有crc校验.rar (21745, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB下的串口发短信程序
,可选择端口,设置短信中心号码.rar (103566, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB与USB转串口的通讯完整程序
,有详细说明,不需要安装驱动.rar (12516, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\vb与串口通信的关于回路测试的小程序很实用.rar (4197, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB中串口事件处理函数的示例.rar (4350, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB中的串口通讯,串口通讯作为一种古老而又灵活的通讯方式,被广泛地应用.rar (6746, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口API通讯
,附带BAS文件全部源码,实现与饭卡读卡器通讯.rar (4224, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口与伺服电机DSP2407通讯完整代码源程序.rar (361844, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口传输文本
,实现2台PC间的通信,类似简单的聊天工具.rar (405009, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口字节通信程序,包括:1字节发送子程序,n字节接收子程序.rar (1014, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口控制步进电机程序完整源码.rar (19815, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口源码
,动力电池检测数据采集,内含电导巡检模块通讯报文,可,读写,保存,备份数据.rar (41053, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口的一个电子称的项目.rar (2557, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口程序
,,是一个串口使用例程,对初学者有用,特别是工控类的.rar (6614, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口编程
,关于上位机的应用,特别适合初级学习VB的学员.rar (11070, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口编程实现完整的多费率电表读数软件.rar (586538, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口编程调试精灵源码.rar (27249, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口调试程序
,用于通过串口控制松下空调测试.rar (16089, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口调试程序及源码.rar (15292, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口调试软件源代码
,可以参考修改为其它通讯程序.rar (6581, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信 6路10位AD转换数据采集源程序.rar (3421, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信
,API串口通信模块源码.rar (5047, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信
,适用简单,适合初学者.rar (2110, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信之串口接收程序.rar (1136, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信操作界面
,进行数据采集,画实时曲线.rar (41809, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信数据源码.rar (1848, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信的源码
,学习的好资料.rar (48413, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信示例.rar (2465, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信程序
,可以读取串口并显示保存数据,且能显示数据曲线.rar (22577, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信设计视频演示源码.rar (11583, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通信调试器的源码程序.rar (6213, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通讯代码(部分).rar (407386, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通讯实例 高精度电压表(24bit) VB源程序.rar (2284, 2014-10-11)
VB PC data and communication program\VB串口通讯测试源代码,有文本和图形两种端口数据观察方式.rar (10789, 2014-10-11)
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