
上传日期:2011-02-25 13:16:22
上 传 者yongmom
说明:  画阵列天线3维方向图,调用方式antenna3(n,deta_d,deta_p,loc,unit) 返回值可用于进一步分析截面方向性,各参数含义如下: n 表示天线元的个数 deta_d 代表阵元天线间距与波长的比值,此处默认阵列为等间距阵 deta_p 代表阵元天线电流相位差,此处默认阵列为等幅,等差相位阵列 loc 代表单元天线与阵列取向关系(0表示单元天线与阵列垂直,1表示单元天线与阵列平行) unit 代表单元天线的类型(0表示理想点源,1表示电偶极子天线,2表示半波振子) 其中loc默认值为0(垂直),unit默认值为2(半波振子). 例:有一10元阵列,阵元间距为0.5个波长,相位差为0,单元天线取向与阵列垂直,单元天线为半波振子 则做图时函数调用方式为:antenna3(10,0.5,0,0,2)或利用默认值:antenna3(10,0.5,0)
(Painting 3-D antenna array pattern, the call mode antenna3 (n, deta_d, deta_p, loc, unit) Return value can be used for further analysis section of the direction, the meaning of each parameter as follows: n the number of the antenna element deta_d antenna array element spacing on behalf of the ratio of the wavelength, where the default array spaced array on behalf of the antenna array elements deta_p current phase, where the default array amplitude, phase array arithmetic Representative element antenna array loc orientation relationship (0 vertical array antenna unit, a unit of the antenna array, said parallel) representative of the type of unit antenna unit (the ideal point source 0, 1 electric dipole antenna, and 2 half-wave dipole) Where loc default value is 0 (vertical), unit default is 2 (half-wave dipole). Example: a 10 per array, array element spacing is 0.5 wavelengths, the phase difference is 0, element antenna array, the vertical orientation and the unit for the )

antenna3.m (2297, 2011-02-22)


