
开发工具:C++ Builder
上传日期:2011-02-28 11:13:40
上 传 者lovegaoyuan0527
说明:  本文是在以往的车牌分割算法的基础上着重介绍了一种车牌识别技术中的 字符分割算法,以及针对一种已有的字符识别算法的改进性研究。 车牌自动识别技术是指能够检测到受监控路面的车辆并自动提取车辆车牌 信息(含汉字字符、英文字母、阿拉伯数字及号牌颜色)进行处理与识别的技术。 它以计算机技术、图像处理技术、模糊识别技术为基础,建立运动车辆的特征模 型,识别车辆特征,如号牌、车型、颜色等,并着重解决高速车辆图像的获取及 清晰度问题 本章是本文的绪论部分,主要介绍了车牌识别技术的应用背景,车牌识别系 统的工作原理及组成,车牌识别技术的发展现状及难点,以及本文的主要内容及 章节安排。
(License Plate Recognition (LPR) system is one of the most important parts in Intelligent Transport System (ITS), the characters segmentation and the characters recognitiont are the key technology of the LPR system.In this paper, a characters segmentation algorithm based on types of past algorithm is put forward.which is fast and its accuracy is high. The key technologies of LPR are researched and discussed in this algorithm, includeing gray Preprocess of image, image binarization, gradient emendition, The Horizontal of segmentation and vertical segmentation, character normalization 。Character segmentation algorithm in which the most critical part is the vertical segmentation algorithm which use of characters in a fixed aspect ratio features, extract the character height, and get the character width, segment the license plate character. In addition, this paper has done improved research about the vertical traverse density (VTD) and horizontal traverse density (HTD)character r)

chepaidingweiyanjiu.pdf (2060103, 2011-02-24)


