
上传日期:2015-08-18 14:02:53
上 传 者jt.gu
说明:  动态世间规整(DTW)jar包,里面包含了所有包括特征提取mfcc fft enframe 等所有功能,只需输入语言路径即可
(Dynamic world of regular (DTW) jar package, which contains all the features extracted include all the features of mfcc fft enframe etc., just enter the path to the language)

DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution\MyAppInstaller_web.exe (809984, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\allclasses-frame.html (812, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\allclasses-noframe.html (752, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\constant-values.html (3329, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\deprecated-list.html (4272, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\DTW.html (19732, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\DTWRemote.html (9700, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\DTW_V_1_0MCRFactory.html (7962, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\package-frame.html (948, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\package-summary.html (8276, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\package-tree.html (4270, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\help-doc.html (6535, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\index-all.html (10046, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\index.html (2642, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\overview-tree.html (4320, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\package-list (11, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\resources\background.gif (2313, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\resources\tab.gif (291, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\resources\titlebar.gif (10701, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\resources\titlebar_end.gif (849, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\doc\html\stylesheet.css (11613, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_redistribution_files_only\DTW_V_1_0.jar (50060, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\classes\DTW_V_1_0\DTW.class (3859, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\classes\DTW_V_1_0\DTWRemote.class (316, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\classes\DTW_V_1_0\DTW_V_1_0.ctf (51156, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\classes\DTW_V_1_0\DTW_V_1_0MCRFactory.class (1811, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\allclasses-frame.html (812, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\allclasses-noframe.html (752, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\constant-values.html (3329, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\deprecated-list.html (4272, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\DTW.html (19732, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\DTWRemote.html (9700, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\DTW_V_1_0MCRFactory.html (7962, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\package-frame.html (948, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\package-summary.html (8276, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\DTW_V_1_0\package-tree.html (4270, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\help-doc.html (6535, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\index-all.html (10046, 2015-08-14)
DTW_V_1_0\for_testing\doc\html\index.html (2642, 2015-08-14)
... ...

MATLAB Builder JA Read Me 1. Prerequisites for Deployment . Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version 8.3 (R2014a). . If the MCR is not installed, do the following: (1) enter >>mcrinstaller at MATLAB prompt. The MCRINSTALLER command displays the location of the MCR Installer. (2) run the MCR Installer. Or download the Windows ***-bit version of the MCR for R2014a from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to http://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr/index.html For more information about the MCR and the MCR Installer, see Distribution to End Users in the MATLAB Compiler documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center. . Ensure you have the version 1.7 of the Java Development Kit (JDK) to integrate the component. . DTW_V_1_0.jar must be included in your CLASSPATH. . javabuilder.jar must be included in your CLASSPATH. javabuilder.jar can be found in: *\toolbox\javabuilder\jar\win***\javabuilder.jar NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run MCRInstaller. 2. Files to Deploy and Package -DTW_V_1_0.jar -MCRInstaller.exe - if end users are unable to download the MCR using the above link, include it when building your component by clicking the "Add MCR" link in the Deployment Tool -Javadoc - javadoc for DTW_V_1_0 is in the doc directory. While distributing the javadoc, this entire directory should be distributed. -This readme file 3. Resources - To learn more about Deploying Java applications on the Web, see Web Deployment in the MATLAB Builder JA documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center. 4. Definitions For information on deployment terminology, go to http://www.mathworks.com/help. Select MATLAB Compiler > Getting Started > About Application Deployment > Application Deployment Terms in the MathWorks Documentation Center. * NOTE: is the directory where MCR is installed on the target machine. 5. Appendix A. Linux x86-*** systems: On the target machine, add the MCR directory to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH by issuing the following commands: NOTE: is the directory where MCR is installed on the target machine. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /v83/runtime/glnxa***: /v83/bin/glnxa***: /v83/sys/os/glnxa*** setenv XAPPLRESDIR /v83/X11/app-defaults B. Mac systems: On the target machine, add the MCR directory to the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH by issuing the following commands: NOTE: is the directory where MCR is installed on the target machine. setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /v83/runtime/maci***: /v83/sys/os/maci***: /v83/bin/maci*** For more detail information about setting MCR paths, see Distribution to End Users in the MATLAB Builder JA documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center. NOTE: To make these changes persistent after logout on Linux or Mac machines, modify the .cshrc file to include this setenv command. NOTE: On Windows, the environment variable syntax utilizes backslashes (\), delimited by semi-colons (;). On Linux or Mac, the environment variable syntax utilizes forward slashes (/), delimited by colons (:). NOTE: On Maci***, ensure you are using ***-bit JVM.


