
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2006-02-07 23:59:12
上 传 者星空浪漫
说明:  几乎可以播放任何声音格式文件的控件,功能强大,使用方便,比系统提供的好多了
(can play almost any sound format of control, powerful, easy to use, the system provides much better)

installation of the 302 (259681, 1998-07-22)
installation of the (8035, 1998-07-22)
maqmid302.cnt (222, 1998-07-16)
MAQMID302.HLP (15442, 1998-07-16)
maqmidia302.txt (7074, 1998-07-12)

Maquisistem Midia MP3 OCX 3.0.2 read the Maqmid302.txt or maqmid302.hlp file to more explanation about the functions inside the version 3.0.2 Very important: this OCX was developed to work in Win95 and win*** and not in Winnt (at this time , at least) and this is the discription about the playback changes in this two operating system: Win95: You can play MP3 , wav, mid , mov , mpg , avi , and the Netshow 3.0 is required to play mp3 files Win***: you can play MP3 , wav, mid , mov , mpg , avi , and Netshow 2.0 or Netshow 3.0 (recommended) is required to play MP3 files , ( in case of Netshow 2.0 , then you need to rename the mp3 file to mpg ) and Netshow 2.0 is inside the installation of Win *** , you only need to select it in the win*** setup , and Netshow 3.0 is available to download at Microsoft What is new : A lot of bugs fixeds , this new version start playing true MP3 files at least 10 times faster than the version 2.1 , a complete mixer to set the volume of Master, Wave, Midi, Line ,CD , Microphone and PC speaker was included , and some enhancements to make the control more professional and faster to load and play any kind of media files Distribution : This version is limited to 60 seconds of playback , and with some limitations in the mixer also The file "temp.mp3" is required in the same directory of the ocx to quick start playing true mp3 files ( but the absence of this file dont affect the ocx ) I have added two sample projects Read the source code and you will understand how to set the OCX The documentation will be included in the final version To make this ocx work you need VB5 and service pack 3 coments are welcome Registration : If you have a registered copy of Maquisistem Midia MP3 OCX and you want to upgrade to the version 3.0 , then you only need to pay the difference ,if you is a registered user of this control then send a email to asking for the upgrade to your version and dont forget to insert your name or the name of your company , and the registration of the 3.0 grants to you free upgrade to any 3.XX version developed Maquisistem Ltda


