
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2015-09-19 10:58:41
上 传 者qintian888
说明:  实验一 处理器调度 一. 实验内容 选择一个调度算法,实现处理器调度。 二. 实验目的 在采用多道程序设计的系统中,往往有若干个进程同时处于就绪状态。当就绪状态进程个数大于处理器数时,就必须依照某种策略来决定哪些进程优先占用处理器。本实验模拟在单处理器情况下处理器调度,帮助自己加深了解处理器调度的工作。 三. 实验题目 第—题:设计一个按优先数调度算法实现处理器调度的程序。 运行环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
(Experiment one processor scheduling I. experimental content Choose a scheduling algorithm to achieve processor scheduling. II. Experimental purposes In the multi-channel programming system, often there are a number of processes at the same time a state of readiness. When the number is greater than the number of processors readiness process, it must be based on a strategy to determine which process preempt the processor. This experiment simulated on a single processor when the processor scheduling, work to help deepen understanding of their own processor scheduling. III. Experimental title The first- Title: Design of a number of priority scheduling algorithm processor scheduling procedures. Operating environment: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005)

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程序\R0701_07 (0, 2009-12-30)
程序 (0, 2009-12-30)
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