
上传日期:2006-02-08 10:27:03
上 传 者fengor
说明:  UCOS-II在ARM S3C44B0X上的移植源代码。 移植说明: 我没有移植uCOS前,再网上下了一些案例可是大部分都不能直接运行,而且有好多还都有错误。 还发现很多"移植者"是忠实的操洗者,并且还操错了。这个移植代码是我领会不少代码的长短根据自己的经验编制,绝对原著!!!因为有好多与大多数移植代码不同之处,故帖出来共享,希望能对将要移植uCOS的人以启发和帮助。 由于我个人时间不多,所以没有写什么移植的"前因后果" 但: 移植的详细细节在程序中的注释部分已经非常详尽了,这里就不多说了。 注意不要将本移植代码应用于商业
(UCOS-II on the ARM S3C44B0X transplant source code. Transplant Note : I did not uCOS before transplantation, and the Internet, a number of cases but most are not directly run, but there are also a lot of mistakes. Many also found "transplant" is faithful parade washing, and also the wrong parade. Transplantation is the code I understand many of the code according to their length of their experience, absolutely original! ! ! because there are a lot of code with the majority of transplants different, it TIE out sharing, hope to be able to transplant uCOS people to inspire and help. Because of my personal time too much, not what to write transplant "causes" : Details of transplantation in the proceedings of the Notes have been very detailed, here is not more. Attention sho)

uCOS for S3C44B0x (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\OSprj.SearchResults (132, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.WK3 (17305, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.SearchResults (1003, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.PS (198312, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.PRI (66048, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.PR (66048, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.PO (776, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.PFI (92, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.IMD (568, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.IMB (24576, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.IAD (848, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdome.IAB (53248, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\os_ext.SearchResults (4018, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\osdom.apj (6908, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\Debug (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\DebugRel (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\INC (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\INC\DEF.H (243, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\INC\44BLIB.H (1454, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\SRC (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\SRC\Main.c (5480, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\SRC\44BLIB_A.S (556, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\SRC\44blib.c (10445, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\STARTUP (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\STARTUP\OPTION.S (1003, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\STARTUP\option.h (1457, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\STARTUP\MEMCFG.S (2862, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\STARTUP\44binit.s (13839, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\STARTUP\44B.H (15466, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos (0, 2003-07-21)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\ucos_ii.h (46681, 2003-07-17)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\ucos_ii.c (0, 2003-07-17)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\os_time.c (0, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\os_task.c (36055, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\os_sem.c (19495, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\os_q.c (34612, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\os_mutex.c (27913, 2003-07-18)
uCOS for S3C44B0x\ucos\os_mem.c (14116, 2003-07-18)
... ...


