
上传日期:2015-12-15 17:35:39
上 传 者huahua1990
说明:  该软件是以asp+access进行开发的婚庆公司网站源码。 本源码是200源码早期开发的企业,文件完整,没有后门.asp/access源码,直接上传就可以使用. 1.栏目设有 特色婚礼,婚礼策化,婚庆用户,婚庆布置,婚庆用车, 2.后台基本设置中可以直接上传网站logo修改网站标题 3.后台可以直接管理友情链接,管理方便 4.后台有QQ在线客服管理系统,可以添加管理QQ 5.后台路径adminn/login.asp 用户名admin,密码admin 6.作品为早期作品免费提供大家学习,本人不提任何技术支持.
(The software is a asp+access development of the wedding company website source code. This source is the 200 source code for the early development of enterprises, file integrity, no back door.Asp/access source code, can be used directly upload. 1 columns with special features wedding, wedding policies, wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding car, 2 background basic settings can be directly uploaded to the site logo to modify the site title 3 background can be directly linked to the management of links, easy to manage 4 background QQ online customer service management system, you can add management QQ 5 background path adminn/login.asp user name admin, password admin 6 works for early works free of charge to provide you with, I do not mention any technical support.)

5.asp (603, 2015-10-10)
adminn (0, 2009-04-25)
adminn\admin_index.asp (535, 2005-10-25)
adminn\adm_css.css (143, 2009-03-29)
adminn\adv2.asp (6510, 2008-06-07)
adminn\advertisement (0, 2009-04-25)
adminn\advertisementclass (0, 2009-04-25)
adminn\advertisementclass\add.asp (1671, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisementclass\addsave.asp (727, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisementclass\delete.asp (429, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisementclass\edit.asp (2012, 2015-10-10)
adminn\advertisementclass\editsave.asp (581, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisementclass\select.asp (3298, 2015-10-10)
adminn\advertisement\add.asp (3326, 2015-10-10)
adminn\advertisement\delete.asp (625, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisement\edit.asp (2491, 2015-10-10)
adminn\advertisement\editsave.asp (717, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisement\jd.asp (594, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisement\lx.asp (884, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisement\save.asp (544, 2009-03-16)
adminn\advertisement\select.asp (5621, 2015-10-10)
adminn\advertisement\tj.asp (629, 2009-03-16)
adminn\asclass (0, 2009-04-25)
adminn\asclass\add.asp (1725, 2009-04-05)
adminn\asclass\addsave.asp (687, 2009-04-05)
adminn\asclass\delete.asp (410, 2009-04-05)
adminn\asclass\edit.asp (2010, 2015-10-10)
adminn\asclass\editsave.asp (550, 2009-04-05)
adminn\asclass\select.asp (3246, 2009-04-05)
adminn\business (0, 2009-04-25)
adminn\business\add.asp (2747, 2015-10-10)
adminn\business\delete.asp (608, 2009-03-24)
adminn\business\edit.asp (2686, 2015-10-10)
adminn\business\editsave.asp (948, 2009-03-24)
adminn\business\lx.asp (483, 2009-03-24)
adminn\business\save.asp (816, 2009-03-24)
adminn\business\select.asp (4379, 2009-03-25)
adminn\car (0, 2009-04-25)
adminn\car\add.asp (2229, 2015-10-10)
adminn\car\delete.asp (595, 2009-04-16)
... ...


