
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2015-12-20 18:07:55
上 传 者wanyxy120
说明:  人脸识别的开源源码 人脸识别的开源源码 人脸识别的开源源码 人脸识别的开源源码
( Face recognition source code)

Makefile (1290, 2015-12-18)
bin (0, 2015-12-18)
include (0, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker (0, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\CLM.h (4297, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\FCheck.h (4155, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\FDet.h (4020, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\IO.h (3062, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\PAW.h (4283, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\PDM.h (4150, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\Patch.h (4304, 2015-12-18)
include\FaceTracker\Tracker.h (5206, 2015-12-18)
license.md (2211, 2015-12-18)
model (0, 2015-12-18)
model\face.con (370, 2015-12-18)
model\face.tracker (648202, 2015-12-18)
model\face.tri (803, 2015-12-18)
model\face2.tracker (760460, 2015-12-18)
src (0, 2015-12-18)
src\exe (0, 2015-12-18)
src\exe\face_tracker.cc (9249, 2015-12-18)
src\lib (0, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\CLM.cc (13808, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\FCheck.cc (6837, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\FDet.cc (9478, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\IO.cc (5588, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\PAW.cc (10203, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\PDM.cc (17298, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\Patch.cc (11280, 2015-12-18)
src\lib\Tracker.cc (8819, 2015-12-18)

# FaceTracker FaceTracker is a library for deformable face tracking written in C++ using OpenCV 2, authored by [Jason Saragih](http://jsaragih.org/) and maintained by [Kyle McDonald](http://kylemcdonald.net/). It is available free for non-commercial use, and may be redistributed under these conditions. Please see `license.md` for complete details. For commercial use, [request a quote](http://facetracker.net/quote/). Wrappers are available for: * Android: [facetrackerapp](https://github.com/ajdroid/facetrackerapp) * [openFrameworks](http://www.openframeworks.cc/): [ofxFaceTracker](https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker) * [Cinder](http://libcinder.org/): [ciFaceTracker](https://github.com/Hebali/ciFaceTracker) * Python: [pyfacetracker](https://bitbucket.org/amitibo/pyfacetracker) ## Installation These instructions are for compiling the code on OS X and Ubuntu, but it should be possible to compile on other platforms. First, install OpenCV-2.x. This code has been tested with OpenCV-2.0 and OpenCV-2.4. On OSX you can use `[brew](http://brew.sh/) install opencv` and on Ubuntu use `sudo apt-get install libcv-dev libopencv-dev`. Alternatively, you can download the repository from `git clone git://code.opencv.org/opencv.git` and compile it manually. Then, clone this repository with `git clone git://github.com/kylemcdonald/FaceTracker.git`. This repository contains a few subdirectories within the root directory: - src (contains all source code) - model (contains a pre-trained tracking model) - bin (will contain the executable after building) Next, make sure that your copy of OpenCV is located in `/usr/local` (this should be the case if you used `brew` or `apt-get`). If it isn't located there, modify the `OPENCV_PATH` in the `Makefile`. Optionally, you can also add `-fopenmp` to the `CFLAGS` and `-lgomp` to `LIBRARIES` to compile with [OpenMP](http://openmp.org/) support. From the root `FaceTracker` directory, build the library and example by running `make`. To test the demo, `cd bin` and `./face_tracker`. Because many webcams are 1280x720, try running `./face_tracker -s .25` to rescale the image before processing for a smoother framerate. ## `face_tracker` Usage ```` Usage: face_tracker [options] Options: -m : Tracker model (default: ../model/face2.tracker) -c : Connectivity (default: ../model/face.con) -t : Triangulation (default: ../model/face.tri) -s : Image scaling (default: 1) -d : Frames/detections (default: -1) --check : Check for failure --help : Print help -? : Print help ````


