
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2016-01-04 21:20:39
上 传 者mangrfhpang
说明:  API - The Ultimate WinSock OCX replication to WinSock API commands

modSox.bas (436, 2002-05-29)
Sox.bmp (2406, 2002-05-29)
Sox.ctl (92076, 2002-05-29)
SoxDemo.vbp (864, 2002-05-29)
SoxOCX.vbp (857, 2002-05-29)
SoxTB.bmp (822, 2002-05-29)
frmMain.frm (28548, 2002-05-29)

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang7177{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\ul\b\f0\fs24 Getting Started\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par \ul\b In the begining ...\ulnone\b0\par \par Welcome to Sox! The ULTIMATE WinSock OCX conversion!\par This project started as most of this nature, I didn't like the idea of using the origional OCX when learning the WinSock API was a more powerful and flexible option! I also didn't like all the talk about memory leaks in the OCX and couldn't bring myself to use a buggy control! So this humble idea started as a project to religiously convert all the OCX commands to a new Class module using API commands (meaning I wanted an exact replica with the power to control!). What happened to the idea of creating an 'exact replica'? It CANNOT be done in pure VB even with API calls, the origional OCX was developed in C/C++. To give you a simple example, everyone who has done this has had to change the name of the origional WinSock OCX 'Close' statement because it is a reserved word in VB (Sox calls it 'Shut'). So we already have a difference. As far as possible, I have tried to use the naming conventions of the OCX with as few modifications as possible! The one difference that stands out, is that most commands accept an inSox parameter, this is because Sox can handle all 32,768 Socket connections that the WinSock API can, and more if the API supported it! Normally, to have multiple Socket connections with the OCX, you would have to place a few controls on your form, or create a Control Array. This immediately has the potential of causing memory leaks! Sox handles all the socket communication for you (Like most of the WinSock OCX conversion projects! One big difference is that they create a new instance of their Control or Class module and store it in a collection ... too damn slow! Sox stores them in a 'memory and speed efficient' array)! What happened to the idea of creating a class module? I kinda hit a snag, in that when I move the Server form around, the Server would pause :( This also happens if I have a MsgBox open on the Server! So, I thought that I would try and see if creating an 'Event Driven' OCX would solve my problem, well it didn't :( only at the end did I find that this is the case with an OCX as well :( but I vowed to complete my OCX to prove that Sox is THE greatest OCX conversion project yet!!! Where to from here? A multithreaded DLL :) NB: Sox does not currently support the UDP protocol! But this would be fairly simple to implement and would require very little modification to Sox!\par \par \ul\b What do I need, to begin?\ulnone\b0\par \par This project is designed to be as easy to implement as possible, into ANY and ALL VB projects requiring WinSock API functionality. Knowing the structure of the code will allow you to perfectly tune and customize it, but is not a requirement for general use. The Sox Control (in the SoxOCX.vbp project) is the heart of the code. The Module (modSox) is also (absolutely) necessary but needs no modification and is only there because the freaking AddressOf command can only access code in 'public' normal modules).\par \par \ul\b What makes Sox so great?\ulnone\b0\par \par THE NEED FOR SPEED :)))\par Efficiency ... Internal array structure more memory efficient and faster than using an array of WinSock OCX's\par Customizability ... can completely customize it, removing features not needed or add new features/events/properties\par Enhanced / Customizable Error trapping and messaging ... create your own error messages\par No licensing issues as Sox is free ... (I'd love to know how and where you R using it though :)))\par Newer Code ... You can set the version of WinSock you want the client to use / Support of the latest XP version of WinSock API\par Can add data encription directly into Sox before the data get transmitted (Super Easy, could even create random encryption key everytime the server starts)\par If, for example, you will be using only one type of data eg. Array of bytes, then you can speed up processing by eliminating some variable checks etc.\par Increased speed and efficiency of accepting new connections\par Optimize the code to automate selected tasks more efficiently\par Foundation to build a WinSock broadcast Server, OCX cannot Broadcast ... or can it ???\par Flexibility\par Multiple listening Sockets. Use: One listening socket can cache only 5 incomming connection requests, we may need more. Could allow company users to connect to one socket and they go through another Logon procedure as outsiders, could block the one port on a Firewall. Also the outsiders could get different options set. Or use different protocols to listen on different sockets\par \par \ul\b\fs24 Whats the Diffs?\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par \ul\b Purpose\ulnone\b0\par \par For those familiar with the OCX, that would like to know what the equivalent commands are, which ones have fallen away and why, and what are the new features in Sox\par \par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx5396\b Old OCX\tab Sox OCX\b0\par \tab\par Properties\tab Properties\par \tab\par BytesReceived\tab BytesReceived(inSox as Long)\par \tab BytesSent(inSox as Long)\par Index\tab Sox should NOT be used in a Control Array! (Neither should the origional :)\par LocalHostName\tab LocalHostName\par LocalIP\tab\par LocalPort\tab\par Name\tab\par Object\tab\par Parent\tab\par Protocol\tab - Currently only TCP is supported\par RemoteHost\tab - None\par RemoteHostIP\tab - None\par RemotePort\tab - None\par SocketHandle\tab SocketHandle(inSox As Long)\par State\tab State(inSox As Long)\par Tag\tab\par \tab\par Methods\tab Methods\par \tab\par Accept(requestID as Long)\tab - Automatically handled internally\par \tab\tab (My OnConnection Event indicates a new \par \tab\tab connection, this can be used to immediately\par \tab\tab send the client app some info)\par Bind([LocalPort],[LocalIP])\tab Bind(LocalIP As String, LocalPort As Integer)\par \tab\tab - Returns a Sox \tab number\par \tab\tab - Basically this can be used to block ports,\par \tab\tab but the Sox number is NOT used by Listen anymore!\par Close\tab Shut(inSox As Long)\par \tab\tab - I would have loved to use 'Close', it's reserved in VB :(\par \tab\tab - I chose Shut because it sounds similar to ShutDown\par \tab ShutDown() - This command closes ALL connections!\par \tab\tab If ShutDown fails, this usually means that a client has\par \tab\tab not successfully sent a close indication!\par \tab\tab ShutDown should be retried!\par Connect([RemoteHost],[RemotePort])\tab Connect(RemoteHost As String, RemotePort As Integer)\par \tab\tab - RemoteHost and RemotePort are currently NOT optional!\par \tab\tab (The old method you could use bind with the Host and port,\par \tab\tab then you could use Connect without options!)\par GetData(data,[type],[maxLen])\tab - Automatically handled internally\par \tab\tab (The OnDataArrival Event has changed slightly\par \tab\tab so that it now returns the data to you completely,\par \tab\tab unlike the old OCX which fragmented the data\par \tab\tab and you had to devise a method to group this\par \tab\tab together! This Event only fires when all the data has\par \tab\tab been returned!)\par Listen\tab Listen(inAddress As String, inPort As Integer)\par \tab\tab - This Method currently needs an address and port to\par \tab\tab listen on :(\par \tab\tab - It returns a Sox number that is currently listening!\par \tab\tab - This Method can be called as many times as you want,\par \tab\tab creating a new listening socket each time!\par PeekData(data,[type],[maxLen])\tab - Unsupported and NOT recommended by Microsoft!\par \tab\tab - Sox handles all incomming data for you\par \tab\tab as soon as WinSock API knows about it!\par \tab\tab - This method is strongly NOT recommended by\par \tab\tab microsoft as it creates a performance hit and is\par \tab\tab potentially misleading!\par SendData (Data)\tab SendData(inSox As Long, inData As Variant)\par \tab\tab - All data sent, basically gets converted to a\par \tab\tab Byte Array by WinSock API\par \tab\tab - Therefore this is the fastest way to send data!\par \tab\tab - If you will only be using Byte Arrays to send data,\par \tab\tab like me, you can improve Send speed substantially\par \tab\tab by optimizing Sox! If you want/need help, mail me!\par \tab\par Events\tab Events\par \tab\par Close()\tab OnClose(inSox As Long)\par \tab\tab - inSox is the connection that closed\par \tab\tab - No more data can/will be sent/received\par Connect()\tab OnConnect(inSox As Long)\par \tab\tab - Our Connect() command succeeded\par \tab OnConnection(inSox As Long)\par \tab\tab - Indicates that a new Sox connection has arrived\par \tab\tab nothing further needs to be done, because the\par \tab\tab call to Accept is handled internally!\par ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)\tab - Automatically handled internally\par \tab\tab - This is similar to my OnConnection Event,\par \tab\tab except the socket has already been accepted!\par \tab\tab - This old Event was used because WinSock OCX\par \tab\tab didn't know if you wanted to accept the connection on\par \tab\tab the local Control, or if you were going to create a\par \tab\tab Control array and Accept it on another Control!\par DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)\tab OnDataArrival(inSox As Long, inData() As Byte)\par \tab\tab - This Event has changed a little, it tells you which\par \tab\tab Sox connection received Data and it gives you the\par \tab\tab data in the form of a Byte Array! Use UBound(inData)\par \tab\tab to get the Size! My Event is FAR more efficient because\par \tab\tab it doesn't use the MSG_PEEK flag like the old OCX ...\par \tab\tab long story :)))\par Error(Too many Parameters!)\tab OnError(inSox As Long, inError As Long, inDescription As String, inSource As String, inSnipet As String)\par \tab\tab - Kinda refined this to display relevant info for me!\par SendComplete()\tab OnSendComplete(inSox As Long)\par SendProgress(ByVal bytesSent As Long, ByVal bytesRemaining As Long)\par \tab OnSendProgress(inSox As Long, bytesSent As Long, bytesRemaining As Long)\par \tab OnRecvProgress(inSox As Long, bytesRecv As Long, bytesRemaining As Long)\par \tab\tab - How freeking slack of them not to include this\par \tab\tab Event in the old OCX!!!\par \tab OnState(inSox As Long, inState As enmSoxState)\par \tab\tab - Notification of a Sox State Change\par \tab\tab - If you wanted to cause some event to happen on\par \tab\tab changing of states, this could be useful!\par \tab OnStatus(inSox As Long, inSource As String, inStatus As String) \par \tab\tab - This is kinda like using Debug.Print :)\par \tab\tab - I used it cause my Project had to be compiled\par \tab\tab to prevent debug/IDE crashes and Debug.Print\par \tab\tab is removed from compiled code!\par \pard\nowidctlpar\par \par \par \ul\b\fs24 Sox Structure\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par \ul\b Purpose\ulnone\b0\par \par To take an in-depth look at the structure of the Sox project. This will explain in detail EVERY function and procedure, it's purpose, uses and areas you may be interested in improving/customizing. The areas of improvement will most likely come from the removal of unwanted/unused features depending on your needs. The areas of customization will come in if your project has special requirements not being met by Sox.\par \par \ul\b Conventions\ulnone\b0\par \par api___ = A call to an API Function :) I like this cause you can tell the diffs if I'm calling an API or internal function/sub\par typ___ = A type structure\par enm___ = Enumeration\par in___ = A parameter in an Event/Function/Sub\par tmp___ = Used when I declare 'temporary' variables in a function/sub\par CAPS = All constants are in Caps\par sox___ = Typically used inside an Enumeration to define each value\par on___ = Sox Event\par \par \ul\b\fs24 Feature Review\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par \ul\b Purpose\ulnone\b0\par \par To show the advantages of using Sox in your code over the OCX or any other similar project.\par \par \par \ul\b\fs24 FAQ\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par Q - Why does Close NOT work as a valid command ???\par A - It's an internal VB command used for closing file handles ???\par \par \ul\b\fs24 API\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par WSAStartup\par \par Basics: Tells WinSock API that your app wants to use it, WinSock API creates a memory space internally for your apps use.\par Intermediate: MUST be the first WinSock API function called before ANY other and should preferably be ONLY called once!\par Advanced: It allows an application or DLL to specify the version of Windows Sockets required and to retrieve details of the specific Windows Sockets implementation\par \par WSACleanup\par \par Basics: Tells WinSock API that your app is terminating.\par \par CloseSocket\par \par Basics: This is what the WinSock OCX Close command does, it closes a socket :)\par \par WSAAsyncSelect\par \par Basics: When data is sent to our computer via the network, how do you think WinSock API is gonna notify us that we have this incomming data? Enter WSAAsyncSelect.\par Intermediate: The WinSock API is basically event driven, similar to the OCX. When data arrives for us, the WinSock API needs to notify us of this 'event'. The way it does it is message driven. The same as when a mouse moves over a form, windows sends a mouse move/position message to the form so it knows where the mouse is via x,y co-ords. Windows sends this message to the forms handle (hWnd value). So too, this API call tells WinSock API where we want it to send the messages for our app, this is typically a form. This is a per socket function. So we can tell it that for socket 1, we want to receive only incomming connections eg. FD_ACCEPT, or we want it to only receive incomming data, eg. FD_READ, FD_WRITE is a message that WinSock API sends us when the Socket is ready to send data again. FD_CLOSE tells us that the remote computer has closed it's connection.\par Advanced: This API is a component of our message hooking/SubClassing process to get WinSock API to talk to our app. Once we know where we want to tell WinSock API where to post messages (usually by choosing a form to communicate in and out of to the API), we use this to tell WinSock what messages to send for which Socket to what handle (hWnd). eg. We create a socket to listen on. Once all the other API work is done, we use WSAAsyncSelect with our socket name, the form handle it must post messages to, and the message notification types we want to receive, in this case we only need notification of FD_ACCEPT. NB - Once a connection has been accepted on our listening socket, the new one will inherit the parents WSAAsyncSelect values, in this case the incomming connection will only receive FD_ACCEPT, but it's a client connection so we need to change this to FD_READ or FD_WRITE or FD_CLOSE, the or is bitwise.\par \par HToNL\par \par Basics: Different Protocols have different ways of representing addresses in bytes. eg an IP of = 10011010011011101110010010011001 in binary (dummy values) but the configuration of the bits could be different for different protocols. Host to Network Long sets the bits/bytes for our IP in the right order. Not 100% familiar with this API call but it is necessary for proper WinSock API functionality!\par \par HToNS\par \par Basics: Similar to HToNL except for Short (C/C++ data type) / Integer values. Not 100% familiar with this API call but it is necessary for proper WinSock API functionality!\par \par NToHL\par \par Basics: The inverse of HToNL\par \par NToHS\par \line Basics: The inverse of HToNS\par \par Socket\par \par Basics: Tells WinSock API to give us a free, unused, unassigned, random socket number so we can use it for our purposes.\par Intermediate: Every call to this function, must be met with a CloseSocket call, even if we don't use the Socket for anything, once we call this we MUST call CloseSocket.\par \par Listen\par \par Basics: The function that tells WinSock API to listen on a specific socket.\par Intermediate: A listening socket will cache a max of 5 incomming connections, I have seen no evidence to support any more than 5. Many things must be taken into account for this to operate properly. eg. we MUST process FD_ACCEPT message ASAP, because anyone connecting over the 5 limit will be lost. We can however have multiple listening sockets if more than 5 connections are required. Also, any incomming connections inherit our Listening socket's options/properties eg. Send/Receive Buffers, messages eg. FD_ACCEPT, protocol etc.\par \par Bind\par \par Basics: The irritating and confusing process of Binding a port and network adapter to a socket before initializing Listen is necessary.\par Intermediate: This is used so that no other apps can use our port and network card.\par \par Accept\par \par Basics: Accepts an incomming connection on a listening Socket.\par Intermediate: Used after our listening socket received an FD_ACCEPT message.\par \par Recv\par \par Basics: Used to receive incomming data on a socket\par Intermediate: Used after a socket received a FD_READ message.\par Advanced: \par \par Private Declare Function apiGetSockOpt Lib "WSock32" Alias "getsockopt" (ByVal S As Long, ByVal Level As Long, ByVal optname As Long, optval As Any, optlen As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiSetSockOpt Lib "WSock32" Alias "setsockopt" (ByVal S As Long, ByVal Level As Long, ByVal optname As Long, optval As Any, ByVal optlen As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiIPToNL Lib "WSock32" Alias "inet_addr" (ByVal cp As String) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiNLToIP Lib "WSock32" Alias "inet_ntoa" (ByVal inn As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiConnect Lib "WSock32" Alias "connect" (ByVal S As Long, name As typSocketAddr, ByVal namelen As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiSend Lib "WSock32" Alias "send" (ByVal S As Long, buf As Any, ByVal buflen As Long, ByVal flags As Long) As Long\par \par Private Declare Function apiCreateWindowEx Lib "User32" Alias "CreateWindowExA" (ByVal dwExStyle As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String, ByVal dwStyle As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal hInstance As Long, lpParam As Any) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiDestroyWindow Lib "User32" Alias "DestroyWindow" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiCallWindowProc Lib "User32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiSetWindowLong Lib "User32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long\par \par Private Declare Function apiLStrLen Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As Any) As Long\par Private Declare Function apiLstrCpy Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal lpString2 As Long) As Long\par Private Declare Sub apiCopyMemory Lib "Kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)\par \par \par \par \par \ul\b\fs24 Credit List\ulnone\b0\fs20\par \par \ul\b Purpose\ulnone\b0\par \par To list those responsible for this endeavour. This includes a list of my 2 most used examples of OCX conversions.\par \par AllApi.Ne ... ...


