
上传日期:2016-01-08 17:35:44
上 传 者adil
说明:  The Rational Rose tool provides the ability to extract a web based view of a project. This view uses a JAVA file (browser.jar) to display a menu on the left hand side that can be expanded and collapsed. This JAR file is no longer supported on newer bowsers and the web view cannot be opened.

Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\contents.css (485, 2015-09-05)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\Extract.m (5308, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\root.html (3093, 2015-09-07)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\18y.jpg (924, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\25y.jpg (927, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\31y.jpg (957, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\81y.jpg (774, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\82y.jpg (830, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\86y.jpg (937, 2015-09-08)
Rational Rose Web Viewer Update\webviewer\87y.jpg (928, 2015-09-08)
license.txt (1314, 2016-01-07)

The following are included: Extract.m - This is the script that creates the new menu root.html - This replaces the current file at the top level contents.css - this is teh new style sheet used by the replacement menu webviewer folder - this has new icons used in teh new menu Steps to do the update: NOTE - this will overwrite some files so make sure you are using a copy of you web view. 1) Replace at the top level of the broswer folder the "root.html" file with the enclosed file 2) Replace at the top level broswer folder the project web page - This will be "Name.htm", where Name is your project - note that this is NOT the file "projxxxxxxxxxxx.htm" - The "Name.htm" file is identical to the root.html file - Change "Name.htm" to "Name_old.html" or just delete it - Make a copy of the "root.html" file and then rename it to "Name.htm" 3) Copy into the top level folder the files "contents.css" and "Extract.m" 4) Copy the seven icon files out of the webviwer folder provided into the webviwer folder at the top level 5) Open Matlab, navigate to the top level folder and then run the script Extract.m - This will over write the file "contents.html" Conversion complete - use root.html or Name.htm to open the view. Note that if prompted allow active-x


