
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2016-01-12 14:24:35
上 传 者lu_weishuang
说明:  c++的可执行文件,用于检测场景图像中的文本并标注出来
(c++ executable file, detect scenes images and text for marked out)

scene_text (0, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\classifier1.txt (189504, 2011-05-26)
scene_text\classifier2.txt (170995, 2011-05-26)
scene_text\cv110.dll (844288, 2009-08-28)
scene_text\cvaux110.dll (456192, 2009-08-28)
scene_text\cxcore110.dll (890880, 2009-08-28)
scene_text\highgui110.dll (568320, 2009-08-28)
scene_text\imgs (0, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\imgs\124.jpg (98950, 2011-04-21)
scene_text\imgs\142.jpg (36204, 2011-05-31)
scene_text\imgs\189.jpg (129903, 2011-04-21)
scene_text\imgs\190.jpg (590957, 2011-05-31)
scene_text\imgs\Thumbs.db (57856, 2011-12-12)
scene_text\process.bat (220, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results (0, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\124.jpg (94375, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\124.jpg.txt (51, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\142.jpg (58461, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\142.jpg.txt (32, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\189.jpg (151418, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\189.jpg.txt (31, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\190.jpg (394679, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\results\190.jpg.txt (69, 2012-05-03)
scene_text\SceneText.exe (73216, 2012-05-03)

#Copyright Chucai Yi and Yingli Tian, Media Lab, Dept. of Electrical Engr, City College of New York This is a tiny software for scene text detection. It is based on Opencv-1.0 and it should run under Windows platform. An example of the command line is: "SceneText ./classifier1.txt ./imgs/124.jpg ./results/" It generates two files, 1) corresponding image with detected scene text regions; 2) bounding boxes of text regions.[left, top, right, bottom] Thank you for the interest.If there is any problem on the software, you could email to If you use this software in your research projects, please cite our paper as "C. Yi and Y. Tian, Text String Detection from Natural Scenes by Structure-based Partition and Grouping, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20, Issue 9, 2011."


