
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2016-01-25 16:14:20
上 传 者lyh020
说明:  一个C++库,用于CNC数控加工之CAM处理。
(OpenCAMLib (ocl) is a c++ library for creating toolpaths for cnc-machines such as mills and lathes.)

COPYING (35147, 2012-11-06)
Windows (0, 2012-11-06)
Windows\OpenCamLib.cpp (108, 2012-11-06)
Windows\OpenCamLib.sln (890, 2012-11-06)
Windows\OpenCamLib.vcproj (11882, 2012-11-06)
Windows\dllmain.cpp (410, 2012-11-06)
Windows\stdafx.cpp (297, 2012-11-06)
Windows\stdafx.h (419, 2012-11-06)
Windows\targetver.h (1428, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples (0, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\point (0, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\point\CMakeLists.txt (1097, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\point\point_example.cpp (1207, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\qt_vtk_renderwindow (0, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\qt_vtk_renderwindow\CMakeLists.txt (367, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\qt_vtk_renderwindow\RenderWindow.cpp (1300, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\renderwindowUI (0, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\renderwindowUI\CMakeLists.txt (852, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\renderwindowUI\RenderWindowUI.cxx (204, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\renderwindowUI\SimpleViewUI.cxx (1166, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\renderwindowUI\SimpleViewUI.h (439, 2012-11-06)
cpp_examples\renderwindowUI\SimpleViewUI.ui (2465, 2012-11-06)
doc (0, 2012-11-06)
doc\pushcutter_drawing.svg (9590, 2012-11-06)
scripts (0, 2012-11-06)
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scripts\ (2453, 2012-11-06)
scripts\ (2141, 2012-11-06)
scripts\ (3604, 2012-11-06)
scripts\ (2482, 2012-11-06)
scripts\ (5378, 2012-11-06)
scripts\drop-cutter (0, 2012-11-06)
scripts\drop-cutter\ (2756, 2012-11-06)
scripts\drop-cutter\ (2226, 2012-11-06)
scripts\drop-cutter\ (2218, 2012-11-06)
scripts\drop-cutter\ (642, 2012-11-06)
... ...

OpenCAMLib README 1. INTRODUCTION OpenCAMLib (ocl) is a c++ library for creating toolpaths for cnc-machines such as mills and lathes. Unti around July 2011 the project was hosted at We are now moving to github: The mailing-list for general development and user-discussion is: SVN commit messages go to a mailing-list: IRC-channel #cam on It's probably a good idea to try to adhere to some coding standard. Maybe this one: 2. CLONING, BUILDING and INSTALLING (on unix/debian-like systems) $ git clone git:// $ cd opencamlib $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../src $ make (try make -j4 for a faster build if you have a multi-core machine) $ sudo make install will install the library and so that any python shell will find them. if you also want to build the documentation, then run $ make doc $> make doc-pdf this should create the ocl manual named "ocl-manual.pdf" in the build/doc directory using cmake and cpack it is possible to build a binary .deb package with $ make package For uploading debian source-packages to the PPA there is also a custom target $ make spackage The build directory opencamlib/build can be wiped clean ("rm -rf *") and cmake run again if/when you want a clean build. 3. ORGANIZATION OF FILES (generate this with 'tree -dL 2') ├── cpp_examples c++ example use of opencamlib │ ├── point minimal example of ocl::Point ├── debian files for building a debian package ├── doc documentation (not much here yet!) ├── lib useful python helper libraries ├── scripts python scripts that test or demonstrate use of ocl │ ├── issues │ ├── ocode old linear octree code │ ├── offset-ellipse relates to BullCutter drop- and push-cutter │ ├── old │ └── voronoi vd scripts/tests ├── src │ ├── algo algorithms under development │ ├── attic old deprecated code │ ├── common common algorithms and data-structures │ ├── cutters cutter-classes │ ├── dropcutter drop-cutter algorithms and operations │ ├── geo primitive geometry classes (point,triangle,stlsurf, etc.) │ └── voronoi ├── stl STL files for testing └── Windows Visual-studio project for building on windows 3. Ubuntu 10.04LTS-> install and build - install ***-bit Ubuntu 10.04LTS - run update manager and install all suggested updates. reboot. - using synaptic or apt-get, install the following packages(and their dependencies) -- build-essential -- cmake -- subversion -- doxygen -- texlive-latex-base -- libboost-all-dev - checkout ocl from svn -- instructions: - in the /src directory, first run "cmake ." then "make" and then "sudo make install" -- this should build and install ocl correctly.


