
上传日期:2011-03-14 22:10:48
上 传 者yangdalin20088
说明:  构造限制三体问题中平动点周围的halo轨道,实现对太空环境定点观察
(Restricted three-body problem Zhongping construct fixed points around the halo orbit, the space environment to achieve the fixed observation)

dynamics_CR3BP (0, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\.DS_Store (6148, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX (0, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP (0, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP\._.DS_Store (82, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\cleanUpMatrix.m (383, 2004-02-19)
dynamics_CR3BP\Dfmatrix3BP.m (1338, 2004-02-19)
dynamics_CR3BP\eigGet.m (2493, 2004-02-19)
dynamics_CR3BP\eqPointEig3BP.m (721, 2004-02-18)
dynamics_CR3BP\eqPointLoc3BP.m (856, 2004-02-18)
dynamics_CR3BP\gamma3BP.m (1243, 2004-02-03)
dynamics_CR3BP\haloAmplitude_plot.m (405, 2004-07-13)
dynamics_CR3BP\haloPeriod_plot.m (525, 2004-07-13)
dynamics_CR3BP\mfd.dat (1759016, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\pcr3bp.m (1250, 2004-02-19)
dynamics_CR3BP\poDifCor3BP.m (3396, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP\._poDifCor3BP.m (82, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\poFamGet3BP.m (1942, 2004-02-19)
dynamics_CR3BP\poGuessLinear3BP.m (1473, 2004-02-18)
dynamics_CR3BP\poGuessLinear3BP_3D_plot.m (1934, 2004-07-13)
dynamics_CR3BP\poManiLocal3BP.m (4803, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP\._poManiLocal3BP.m (82, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\richardson_period.m (4305, 2004-07-13)
dynamics_CR3BP\richardson_plot.m (4990, 2009-04-29)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP\._richardson_plot.m (82, 2009-04-29)
dynamics_CR3BP\run_me.m (1956, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP\._run_me.m (82, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\stateTransitionMatrix3BP.m (1175, 2009-07-07)
__MACOSX\dynamics_CR3BP\._stateTransitionMatrix3BP.m (82, 2009-07-07)
dynamics_CR3BP\toTime.m (242, 2004-02-05)
dynamics_CR3BP\trajGet3BP.m (844, 2004-01-29)
dynamics_CR3BP\varEqs3BP.m (1709, 2004-02-19)
dynamics_CR3BP\x0po_T.dat (1890, 2009-07-07)

dynamics_CR3BP 2009-July-07 Shane Ross INTRODUCTION A Matlab toolkit for use with Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross ISBN 978-0-615-24095-4 Marsden Books, 2008. http://www.shaneross.com/books QUICK STUFF Within Matlab, run_me.m is a script which performs an example calculation of a family of periodic orbits (po's) around a saddle x center equilibrium point in the planar circular restricted three-body problem (pcr3bp). The equil. point is on the x-axis. To run the routine, just run from Matlab, >> run_me The routine plots the family of orbits after it computes them. Also plots one branch of unstable manifold for the largest orbit in the family. THE FUNCTIONS This package is an example package which will need modification for your problem of interest. As of now, it is configured for the three-body problem, thus the 3BP appearing in the file names. From Matlab you can get descriptions of most of the functions, e.g., >> help poGuessLinear3BP will give you a description of the inputs and outputs of this function. In what follows, the functions called in run_me.m are briefly described. You will need to look at the functions themselves and modify them. Hopefully there are enough comments within the files themselves that you can do this easily. Subfunctions used by other functions are indented below the function which calls them. poFamGet3BP - Generate a family of periodic orbits given a pair of seed initial conditions and periods of two small po's poGuessLinear3BP - provides an initial guess for an initial condition along a periodic orbit (po) as well as a guess for the period eqPointLoc3BP - provides the position space location of the equilibrium point (ep) around which the po is to be computed. This is done by solving a polynomial arising from setting the vector field to zero (equivalently, the critical points of the effective potential) gamma3BP - a function used by eqPointLoc3BP eqPointEig3BP - provides the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Jacobian of the vector field at the ep eigGet - Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix A spanning the three local subspaces cleanUpMatrix - used by eigGet, it removes all entries in matrix A with absolute value smaller than a set tolerance poDifCor3BP - This is the differential correction routine to create a periodic orbit (po) about an equilibrium point. Keeps the initial x-value constant and varies the y-velocity value. It starts from the initial guess provided by poGuessLinear3BP. It usually converges to an accurate solution within a few iterations for this example problem. poManiLocal3BP - Computes (un)stable manifold for a periodic orbit (of period T) from eigenvalues of the monodromy PHI(T,0) matrix pcr3bp - the vector field of the pcr3bp, 4 first order ODEs stateTransitionMatrix3BP - Gets state transition matrix, phi_tf = PHI(0,tf), and the trajectory (x,t) for a length of time, tf. varEqs3BP - the variational equations used to get the state transition matrix; these are 16+4=20 first order ODEs trajGet3BP - this routine finds solutions of the vector field given an initial condition, starting time and ending time


