
上传日期:2016-02-16 10:36:33
上 传 者wo12345678
说明:  jquery画图工具源码,可以画图在网页上,很好用
(JQuery drawing tool source code, you can draw on the page, it is easy to use)

.jshintrc (377, 2015-12-13)
LICENSE.txt (1078, 2015-12-13)
bower.json (617, 2015-12-13)
build (0, 2015-12-13)
build\build.sh (2595, 2015-12-13)
jcanvas.jquery.json (1197, 2015-12-13)
jcanvas.js (111407, 2015-12-13)
jcanvas.min.js (33781, 2015-12-13)
package.json (973, 2015-12-13)
plugins (0, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-crescents.js (2105, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-crescents.min.js (849, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-donuts.js (826, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-donuts.min.js (481, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-handles.js (14170, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-handles.min.js (5365, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-hearts.js (876, 2015-12-13)
plugins\jcanvas-hearts.min.js (485, 2015-12-13)
tests (0, 2015-12-13)
tests\images (0, 2015-12-13)
tests\images\fish.jpg (18315, 2015-12-13)
tests\images\water.jpg (1818, 2015-12-13)
tests\index.html (879, 2015-12-13)
tests\tests (0, 2015-12-13)
tests\tests\jcanvas-tests.js (20482, 2015-12-13)
tests\tests\jcanvas-tests.min.js (13530, 2015-12-13)

# [jCanvas](http://projects.calebevans.me/jcanvas/) *Copyright 2015, Caleb Evans* *Released under the MIT license* jCanvas is a jQuery plugin that makes the HTML5 canvas easy to work with. ## [Download](http://projects.calebevans.me/jcanvas/downloads/) jCanvas requires jQuery 1.4 or newer, and supports both desktop and mobile browsers. ### Running on Node See this example for usage with Node: https://github.com/robertjustjones/jcanvas-in-node To run this example, you'll need to follow the Cairo [installation instructions for node-canvas](https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/wiki). After cloning the repository, run `npm install` and then `node index.js`. ## [Documentation](http://projects.calebevans.me/jcanvas/docs/) Please search the online documentation before emailing me any questions you may have. If something in the documentation isn't clear, feel free to [email me](mailto:caleb@calebevans.me) for clarification. ## [Support](http://projects.calebevans.me/jcanvas/support/) If you are reporting a jCanvas bug, please include the following information in your report: * The version of jCanvas you used * A complete code sample that reproduces the issue * What you expected to happen * What happened instead ## [License](https://github.com/caleb531/jcanvas/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) jCanvas is available as a free and open-source library under the MIT license.


