
开发工具:C++ Builder
上传日期:2016-02-23 05:46:59
上 传 者pxa310

boot\at91sam9260-ek\packages\ (199624, 2008-12-18)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\at91sam9260ek.c (7941, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\at91sam9260ek.h (6147, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\at91sam9260ek.o (6388, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\crt0_gnu.o (2388, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\debug.o (3344, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\gpio.o (9872, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\main.o (2644, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\Makefile (2589, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\nandflash.o (10176, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\nandflash_at91sam9260ek.bin (4076, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\nandflash_at91sam9260ek.elf (28944, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\ (18045, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\pmc.o (4420, 2014-10-06)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash\sdramc.o (3812, 2014-10-06)
boot\buildenv.bat (22, 2006-10-03)
boot\crt0_gnu.S (4359, 2006-09-21)
boot\doc\AT91Bootstrap AN.pdf (283624, 2006-10-09)
boot\driver\debug.c (3421, 2006-08-02)
boot\driver\gpio.c (9423, 2006-10-02)
boot\driver\nandflash.c (13271, 2014-10-06)
boot\driver\pmc.c (4158, 2006-10-02)
boot\driver\sdramc.c (4374, 2006-08-02)
boot\ (729, 2006-08-02)
boot\include\AT91SAM9260_inc.h (232221, 2006-10-02)
boot\include\AT91SAM9261_inc.h (207895, 2006-08-02)
boot\include\debug.h (2229, 2006-08-02)
boot\include\gpio.h (3224, 2006-09-29)
boot\include\main.h (2338, 2006-09-22)
boot\include\nandflash.h (5256, 2014-10-06)
boot\include\nand_ids.h (2189, 2014-10-06)
boot\include\part.h (2166, 2006-10-02)
boot\include\pmc.h (2294, 2006-08-02)
boot\include\sdramc.h (2179, 2006-08-02)
boot\main.c (744, 2014-10-06)
boot\setenv.bat (576, 2014-10-05)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek\nandflash (0, 2016-02-22)
boot\at91sam9260-ek\packages (0, 2016-02-22)
boot\board\at91sam9260ek (0, 2016-02-22)
... ...

1 Compiling an at91bootstrap project 1.1 GNU ARM Toolchain =========================================================================================== 1.1.1 Linux AT91Bootstrap has been compiled and tested under Linux using the following GNU ARM binary distribution which can be downloaded from the following URL: GCC-3.4 toolchain: binutils-2.15, gcc-3.4.3-c-c++-java, newlib-1.12.0, insight-6.1, tar.bz2 (or newer) Once your toolchain is installed, install at91bootstrap in a directory and cd into it. 1.1.2 Windows AT91Bootstrap has been compiled and tested under Cygwin using the following GNU ARM binary distribution which can be downloaded from the following URL: GCC-4.1 toolchain: binutils-2.16.1, gcc-4.1.0-c-c++, newlib-1.14.0, insight-***, setup.exe (or newer) Note: Cygwin can be downloaded from the following URL: 1.2 Compiling DataFlashBoot =========================================================================================== 1.2.1 AT91SAM9261-EK --------------------- Go into the project directory > cd board/at91sam9261ek/dataflash > make Configurations are in Makefile and at91sam9261ek.h files and can be modified according your needs. 1.2.2 AT91SAM9260-EK --------------------- Go into the project directory > cd board/at91sam9260ek/nandflash > make Configurations are in Makefile and at91sam9260ek.h files and can be modified according your needs. =================================================================================================== === WARNING for AT91SAM9260 DataFlashBoot === =================================================================================================== DataFlashBoot binary image size must be less than 4kBytes as it is the AT91SAM9260 internal available SRAM size. According the GCC toolchain which is used (GCC-3.4 Toolchain or less), resulting code size may be higher than the allowed 4kBytes. In such a case, either update your GCC toolchain to a more recent one (GCC-4.0 Toolchain or higher) or do not use the provided gpio driver to configure SDRAM PIOs for example. Indeed, replace sdramc_hw_init() function in board/at91sam9260ek.c source file by: #ifdef CFG_SDRAM void sdramc_hw_init(void) { /* Configure the PIO controller to enable 32-bits SDRAM */ writel(0xFFFF0000, AT91C_BASE_PIOC + PIO_ASR(0)); writel(0xFFFF0000, AT91C_BASE_PIOC + PIO_PDR(0)); } #endif Note: Code is less readable but it should be sufficient enough to have less than 4kBytes code size without having to re-compile a complete GCC toolchain.


