
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2016-03-08 16:41:37
上 传 者梅卡瓦
说明:  TI的 zigbee sensormonitor程序源代码,这个估计得有一定基础的才能看懂了
(ZigBee sensormonitor TI program source code, this is estimated to have a certain basis to understand the)

sensormonitor源码\comport.cpp (17925, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\comport.h (2055, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\comportcombo.cpp (1799, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\comportcombo.h (1481, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\comportthread.cpp (14187, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\comportthread.h (3515, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\edge.cpp (3508, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\edge.h (1756, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\enumport.cpp (315, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\enumport.h (251, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.txt (16296, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonAbout.png (14161, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonConnected.png (14176, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonDisconnected.png (10978, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonHelp.png (12225, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonNew.png (10960, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonPause.png (11136, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonPlay.png (11310, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonPlayGreen.png (14856, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonRefresh.png (14472, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonSettingsBlue.png (15276, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ButtonStop.png (9851, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\chip_2.png (44422, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\fileopen.png (1771, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\filesave.png (1022, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ti.ico (3638, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ti_banner.png (18000, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\images\ti_logo_red.png (4181, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\iohandler.cpp (8061, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\iohandler.h (3101, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\loghandler.cpp (3668, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\loghandler.h (1737, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\main.cpp (1382, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\mainwindow.cpp (27819, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\mainwindow.h (5085, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\networkview.cpp (13235, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\networkview.h (2584, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\node.cpp (12895, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\node.h (3098, 2010-02-11)
sensormonitor源码\nodedata.cpp (2430, 2010-02-11)
... ...

The ZigBee Sensor Monitor v1.2.1 demo application is made by two main software components: Application code: The ZigBee Sensor Monitor application code as found in this package is copyright of Texas Instruments (see individual file header). This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Contact TI for negotiating other licenses, if needed. Qt software library: The ZigBee Sensor Monitor application builds upon an unmodified version of Qt v4.4.3 software framework from Nokia. This software is copyrighted Nokia Corporation, and is distributed under GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Please see the included "readme_vs2008_qtsource.pdf" for instruction on how to obtain the source code for Qt, compile the libraries from scratch, and set up a build environment with e.g. Visual Studio 2008 Express on Microsoft Windows. You can also contact TI if you want the Qt source code used directly from TI, distributed under the GPLv2 license. Newer versions of Qt software are distributed by Nokia, available under several license conditions. Visit their website for more details.


