
上传日期:2016-04-07 13:07:13
上 传 者峰子
说明:  Qgis2threejs-master QGIS插件threejs 非常实用的源码 对threejs感兴趣的可以研究研究
(Qgis2threejs-master QGIS plugin threejs very useful source of interest can threejs Research)

CHANGELOG.md (3177, 2015-10-11)
CONTRIBUTORS.md (241, 2015-10-11)
__init__.py (1339, 2015-10-11)
api.py (4550, 2015-10-11)
css (0, 2015-10-11)
css\Qgis2threejs.css (3416, 2015-10-11)
datamanager.py (14214, 2015-10-11)
demblock.py (6949, 2015-10-11)
docs (0, 2015-10-11)
docs\Makefile (7466, 2015-10-11)
docs\build.bat (397, 2015-10-11)
docs\make.bat (7014, 2015-10-11)
docs\source (0, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\3DViewer.rst (2284, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\API.rst (169, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\Development.rst (469, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\Examples.rst (1642, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\ExportSettings.rst (10820, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\ObjectTypes.rst (9270, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\PluginSettings.rst (303, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\Plugins.rst (1030, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\ProgrammaticExportUsingPython.rst (3531, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\Tutorial.rst (4016, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\conf.py (10438, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\index.rst (664, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\replace_local_images.txt (2292, 2015-10-11)
docs\source\replace_no_images.txt (1711, 2015-10-11)
docs\stat.bat (83, 2015-10-11)
docs\update.bat (119, 2015-10-11)
export.py (29896, 2015-10-11)
exportsettings.py (7037, 2015-10-11)
gdal2threejs.py (3526, 2015-10-11)
geometry.py (12903, 2015-10-11)
html_templates (0, 2015-10-11)
html_templates\3DViewer(dat-gui).html (2184, 2015-10-11)
html_templates\3DViewer(dat-gui).txt (230, 2015-10-11)
html_templates\3DViewer.html (1995, 2015-10-11)
... ...

Qgis2threejs plugin - version 1.4 ================================= Qgis2threejs plugin exports terrain data, map canvas image and vector data to your web browser. You can view 3D objects in web browser which supports WebGL. This plugin uses three.js library (http://threejs.org). Check WebGL Support ------------------- Visit http://get.webgl.org/ to check whether your web browser supports WebGL. Documentation ------------- Online documentation: http://qgis2threejs.readthedocs.org/ You can download PDF version if you want. Exported Pages Use These JavaScript Libraries --------------------------------------------- * All exports use [three.js](http://threejs.org) * Exports with `display coordinates in latitude and longitude (WGS84)` option use [Proj4js](http://trac.osgeo.org/proj4js/) * Exports based on 3DViewer(dat-gui) template use [dat-gui](https://code.google.com/p/dat-gui/) * Exports based on FileExport template use [JSZip](http://stuk.github.io/jszip/) and [FileSaver.js](https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/) License ======= Python modules of Qgis2threejs are released under the GNU Public License (GPL) Version 2. _Copyright (c) 2013 Minoru Akagi_


