上传日期:2016-04-09 19:26:58
上 传 者gyrm12181210
说明:  NSGA (No n- Do mina te d So r ting in Ge ne tic Alg o r ithms [5 ]) is a p o pula r no n-do mina tio n ba s e d g e ne tic a lg o r ithm fo r multi- o b je c tive o ptimiz a tio n. I t is a ve r y e ff e c tive a lg o r ithm but ha s b e e n g e ne r a lly c r itic iz e d fo r its c o mputa tio na l c o m-ple x ity, la ck o f e litis m a nd fo r cho o s ing the o ptima l pa r a mete r va lue fo r s ha r ing pa r a me te r σsh ar e . A mo difi e d ve r s io n, NSGA- I I ( [3 ]) wa s de ve lo p e d, w hich ha s a b e tte r s o r ting a lg o r ithm , inc o r p o r a te s e litis m a nd no s ha r ing pa r a me te r ne e ds to b e cho s e n a priori. NSGA- I I is dis c us s e d in de ta il in this r e p o r t a nd two s a mple te s t func tio ns a r e o ptimiz e d us ing it.

MOEA-NSGA-II\crowding_distance.m (1273, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\evaluate_objective.m (970, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\genetic_operator.m (3509, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\crowding_distance.html (5128, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\genetic_operator.html (10289, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\initialize_variables.html (4434, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\non_domination_sort_mod.html (11714, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\nsga_2.html (13753, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\replace_chromosome.html (6346, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html\tournament_selection.html (6186, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\initialize_variables.m (966, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\non_domination_sort_mod.m (4116, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\nsga_2.m (4668, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\NSGA_2.pdf (373682, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\plot_objective.m (476, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\replace_chromosome.m (1977, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\solution.txt (3240, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\tournament_selection.m (1743, 2016-04-05)
MOEA-NSGA-II\html (0, 2016-04-09)
MOEA-NSGA-II (0, 2016-04-09)


