
上传日期:2016-04-12 09:49:53
上 传 者dashanlideguniang
说明:  Claude Knaus 和Matthias Zwicker对偶域去噪一文的原始代码
(Claude Knaus and Matthias Zwicker dual domain noise suppression of a source code file)

matlab (0, 2014-11-27)
matlab\DDIDstep_mex.cpp (4111, 2014-11-27)
matlab\NLDD_mex.cpp (2825, 2014-11-27)
matlab\NlBayesDenoiser_mex.cpp (2196, 2014-11-27)
matlab\compileMex.m (1754, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex (0, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\DDIDstep.mexa64 (2279025, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\DDIDstep.mexmaci64 (1633008, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\DDIDstep.mexw64 (26112, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\NLDD.mexa64 (2278939, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\NLDD.mexmaci64 (1632976, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\NLDD.mexw64 (59392, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\NlBayesDenoiser.mexa64 (2274785, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\NlBayesDenoiser.mexmaci64 (1632880, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\NlBayesDenoiser.mexw64 (50688, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex\libfftw3f-3.dll (2604934, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP (0, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\DDIDstep.mexa64 (2269540, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\DDIDstep.mexmaci64 (1606072, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\DDIDstep.mexw64 (24576, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\NLDD.mexa64 (2269454, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\NLDD.mexmaci64 (1601936, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\NLDD.mexw64 (57344, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\NlBayesDenoiser.mexa64 (2269396, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\NlBayesDenoiser.mexmaci64 (1601848, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\NlBayesDenoiser.mexw64 (49664, 2014-11-27)
matlab\mex_no_OMP\libfftw3f-3.dll (2604934, 2014-11-27)
matlab\test.m (1382, 2014-11-27)
matlab\test.png (283788, 2014-11-27)
src (0, 2014-11-27)
src\CMakeLists.txt (2377, 2014-11-27)
src\DDID (0, 2014-11-27)
src\DDID\RunDDID.cpp (11661, 2014-11-27)
src\DDID\RunDDID.h (3051, 2014-11-27)
src\FindFFTW3.cmake (3678, 2014-11-27)
src\NlBayes (0, 2014-11-27)
... ...

# Non-Local Dual Denoising This project contains the source code for NLDD, along with NL-Bayes and DDID. Wrappers for Matlab are provided. ## Compilation To compile the standalone solution: ### Requirements 1. LibPng and FFTW are required. If not already installed, do so before proceeding. Remember that the libraries need to be compiled using the same target machine (either x86 or x***) as the compilation tool configuration. This could generate linker errors otherwise. 2. CMake is required to generate the Makefile/Compilation solution. ### Compilation: 1. Go to src/build folder 2. __On Unix__ $ cmake ../src $make __On Windows__ Edit the VS***CMake.bat example and change the paths. For each library, you need to give two paths: To the .h header files and the full path to the .lib. Finally the generator tool should be modified (the -G parameter) if different than "Visual Studio 10 Win***". For a full list of supported generators, execute cmake from the command prompt. ## Matlab To compile the mex files for Matlab: Run the script matlab/compileMex.m from within Matlab Already generated MEX files can be found in the /matlab/mex folder if OpenMP is installed (supporting multithreaded execution) or in /matlab/mex_no_OMP if OpenMP has not been installed in the system. OpenMP installation is recommended. To use a mex file from within Matlab, just call it as any standard Matlab function. Mind that it needs to be either in the current Matlab folder or in the Matlab path. An example file is given in matlab/test.m. In Windows, besides the mex files included in the path, libfftw3-f.dll is required to run the tests. Function calls from within Matlab: [denoised_I] = DDIDstep(guide_I, noisy_I, sigma2, r, sigmaS, gammaR, gammaF); [denoised_I] = NLDD(noisy_I, sigma, verbose); [denoised_I] = NlBayes(noisy_I, sigma, verbose);


