
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2016-06-05 16:25:45
上 传 者续写@那段情
说明:  手写识别系统,可识别手写文字,并转化为标准字符库中文字
(handwriting recognize)

handwriting\INSTALL (1109, 2003-03-11)
handwriting\Makefile (10493, 2003-06-05)
handwriting\data (0, 2003-06-05)
handwriting\data\FeatureMatrix (2285, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\_horizontal-line.0 (68671, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default (0, 2003-06-05)
handwriting\data\default\greek (0, 2003-06-05)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case (0, 2003-06-05)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\FeatureMatrix (42821, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_alpha.0 (16932, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_beta.0 (43763, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_delta.0 (28837, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_epsilon.0 (23085, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_eta.0 (35618, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_gamma.0 (19086, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_lambda.0 (28974, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_mu.0 (26139, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_nu.0 (27294, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_omega.0 (24956, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_phi.0 (40480, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_pi.0 (29992, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_psi.0 (48407, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_rho.0 (25814, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_sigma.0 (33458, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_tau.0 (31904, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_theta.0 (28847, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_xi.0 (45793, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\lower-case\_zeta.0 (52643, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case (0, 2003-06-05)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Delta.0 (36293, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\FeatureMatrix (24806, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Gamma.0 (27727, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Lambda.0 (38795, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Omega.0 (29297, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Phi.0 (47397, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Pi.0 (29186, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Psi.0 (61757, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Sigma.0 (34495, 2003-01-28)
handwriting\data\default\greek\upper-case\Theta.0 (46896, 2003-01-28)
... ...

========================== ABOUT JIMHR ========================== JIMHR or "Java Interactive Mathematical Handwriting Recognizer" as the name suggests is the online handwriting recogition system that specializes in the mathematical domain. It processes a user's handwriting through a mouse or stylus pen and outputs the corresponding mathematical formula in real-time in a type set image and either Latex or MathML. With the help of a sophisticated graphical user interface, the program also allows a user to correct any mistakes resulting from misclassification or to rearrange the symbols to suit his needs. Other operations include delete, undo, and redo. JIMHR runs on multiple platforms, including UNIX, Linux, and Windows. JIMHR is based on The Freehand Formula System Entry System and Diagram Recognition Application for Computer Understanding of Large Algebraic Expressions (FFES/DRACULAE) project at Queens University in Ontario, Canada (FFES originated at the University of Otago, New Zealand) and The Natural Log System (NLS) project at MIT. The goal of JIMHR is to combine the algorithmic efficiencies and functionalities from both projects to promote further collaborative research and development in the field, while also providing a viable, open-source solution for mathematical handwriting recognition (MHR) that can be used and stress-tested in commercial and educational environments. For more details regarding these two projects, you are advised to visit their web sites at: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/drl/ffes/ http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/lv/projects/notebook/ Two research papers for reference are included in the 'doc' directory. JIMHR consists of four main components: character recognizer, expression partitioner, parser, and graphical user interface. The character recognizer and expression partitioner are based on Caltech Interface Tools (CIT) library written in C++ by James Arvo, et al. (for details see http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~arvo/software.html). While the graphical user interface is written in Java, and the parser is a command line tool called DRACULAE which was originally developped at Queen's University by Richard Zanibbi, under the supervision of Dorothea Blostein and James R. Cordy. It is implemented the TXL programming language (for more information regarding TXL, please checkout website http://www.txl.ca). JIMHR is released under LGPL license. The project homepage is at http://jimhr.sourceforge.net ========================== CVS REPOSITORY ========================== The latest jimhr source code can always be founded by anonymnous CVS at cvs.jimhr.sourceforge.net If you have questions, comments, suggestions or would like to join the development team please email to joygong@users.sourceforge.net ========================== PROGRAM STRUCTURE ========================== Jimhr contains 7 main directories. They are listed with the explanation below. data/ contains a training set for all math characters that are used by the character recognizer. doc/ contains pdf files that describe algorithms and mechanisms behind FFES and NLS program include/ contains C++ header files used in the character recognizer, expression partitioner, and JNI header files jimhr/ contains java files which are used to implement graphical user interface and control the overall flow of jimhr lib/ contains jar and zip files used in displaying LaTeX expression on Java Canvas shell/ contains executable jimhr programs for both Unix and Window system. It also contains command line tools GetTeX which is used as a parser src/ contains C++ source files used in the character recognizer and, expression partitioner, and JNI source files ========================== CODE DETAILS ========================== As mentioned before jimhr consists of four main components, ie. character recognizer, expression partitioner, parser, and graphical user interface. This section is an attempt to explain the interactions between these modules and pertinent source codes. The diagram below shows the overall structure of jimhr GUI ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * Drawing Area * * * --------- * * | * * | * * | * * | ************************************* | * * * | * MathML/ Latex * Rendered * | * Output * Latex * | * * Output * | ************************************* | ^ ^ | /|\ /|\ | | | | |------------------|-------------------------| | | \|/ | v | **************** ************* ************ | * Expression * * Symbol * * * | * *--------->* *---------->* Parser *--------- * Partiitioner * * Recognizer* * * **************** ************* ************ GUI (jimhr/gui/Demo.java) has three display areas. The top one (jimhr/gui/InkCanvas.java) accepts handwriting input from a user and record all the coordinates of each stroke. It then send the data to the expression partitioner (jimhr/recognizer/Segmenter.java) which is responsible for partitioning stokes into different groups where each group corresponding to a symbol. Each group of strokes in turn is sent out to the symbol recognizer which produces a sequence of symbols. These symbols are then assembled into a LaTeX expression by the parser (shell/GetTeX command line tool). The bottom left panel of GUI displays the LaTeX expression, while the one in the bottom right (jimhr/gui/ExpressionCanvas.java) renders it into typical mathematical expression. ========================== CONTRIBUTORS ========================== JoyGong Ho started the project and made the initial working implementation. The JIMHR project team would like to thank the contributors for all of their work. CIT === James Arvo Xavier Fan Vladimir Fedorov Yuanshan Guo Kevin Novins Steve Smithies FFES/DRACULAE ============= Steve Smithies Kevin Novins Richard Zanibbi Arlis Rose David Tausky Nick Willan Eric Bailey NLS === Paul Viola Nicholas Matsakis Erik Miller Jeremy De Bonet


