
上传日期:2011-03-29 11:14:48
上 传 者settingsun1225
说明:  识别图像中的阴影边界,Detecting Ground Shadows in Outdoor Consumer Photographs论文的实现代码
(Identify the shadow of the image border, Detecting Ground Shadows in Outdoor Consumer Photographs thesis implementation code)

onlineCode (0, 2011-01-25)
onlineCode\.DS_Store (6148, 2010-11-30)
__MACOSX (0, 2011-01-25)
__MACOSX\onlineCode (0, 2011-01-25)
__MACOSX\onlineCode\._.DS_Store (82, 2010-11-30)
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onlineCode\.svn\prop-base (0, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\props (0, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base (0, 2010-09-29)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\applyBoundaryGrouping.m.svn-base (2400, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\applyLocalBoundaryClassifier.m.svn-base (3593, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\boundaryGraphCutSegmentation.m.svn-base (3542, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\buildBoundaryFilter.m.svn-base (983, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\buildShadowFeaturesFilterBank.m.svn-base (1762, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\buildTextureFeaturesFilterBank.m.svn-base (1819, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\chisq.m.svn-base (770, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\combineGroundOcclusionAndShadowProb.m.svn-base (1762, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeAllShadowBoundaryFilterFeatures.m.svn-base (4407, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeBoundaryEdgePotentials.m.svn-base (3605, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeImageFeatures.m.svn-base (1720, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeShadowBoundaryFilterColorFeatures.m.svn-base (4819, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeShadowBoundaryFilterFeatures.m.svn-base (3517, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeShadowBoundaryTextonFeatures.m.svn-base (5108, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\computeShadowSegmentFeatures.m.svn-base (3739, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\demoShadowDetection.m.svn-base (4508, 2010-09-29)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\extractImageBoundaries.m.svn-base (1656, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\getBoundaryIndicesFromEdges.m.svn-base (2298, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\grad2wseg.m.svn-base (1171, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\interpBoundarySubPixel.m.svn-base (1651, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\LICENSE.txt.svn-base (752, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\myfprintf.m.svn-base (1037, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\rgb2ill.m.svn-base (798, 2010-07-08)
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onlineCode\.svn\text-base\rgb2xyz.m.svn-base (1074, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\selectBoundaryFeatures.m.svn-base (7040, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\selectImageFeatures.m.svn-base (1135, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\text-base\xyz2ill.m.svn-base (1159, 2010-07-08)
onlineCode\.svn\tmp (0, 2010-10-08)
... ...

This software package detects shadows from single images by using an approach described in the following paper: J.-F. Lalonde, A. A. Efros, and S. G. Narasimhan. Detecting Ground Shadows in Outdoor Consumer Photographs. in European Conference on Computer Vision, 2010. Please cite this paper if you use this code in your work. See 'demoShadowDetection.m' as a starting point on how to use the software. *** CHANGING THE INPUT IMAGE *** If you want to make it work on your own image, here's what you should do: 1. Copy your image in the img/ directory (should have .jpg extension); 2. Change the imgName variable with the new filename (leave the .jpg extension out); 3. If you want to detect shadows on the ground only: 3.1 Compute the ground probability map (e.g. with Geometric Context, see below); 3.2 Save the ground probability map as variable 'groundProb' in a .mat file; 3.1 Copy the .mat file containing the variable 'groundProb' in the img/ directory; 3.2 Rename the file to '-groundProb.mat'. 4. Watch the output while the program is running to make sure there are no errors or warnings; 5. That's it! *** POTENTIAL PROBLEMS *** - Some users have reported having problems loading the 'data/bdt-eccv10.mat' file when using earlier versions of MATLAB. Please try with a more recent version of MATLAB if you're having problems with the file. *** REQUIRED 3RD-PARTY SOFTWARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE *** Required 3rd-party software: - lightspeed matlab toolbox by Tom Minka, available at: need at least version 2.4 - graph cut wrapper by Shai Bagon, which uses C++ code by Olga Veksler, available at: Make sure these 3rd-party packages are added to the path before launching the program. *** OPTIONAL 3RD-PARTY SOFTWARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE *** Optional 3rd-party software (use this to pre-compute the ground probability) - geometric context code by Derek Hoiem, available at: *** REQUIRED 3RD-PARTY SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE *** In addition, this code uses the following freely-available matlab code: - Bilateral filtering by Douglas R. Lanman - Boundary extraction from Andrew Stein - The parseArgs argument-parsing library from Malcolm Wood, available at: - Fast nearest-neighbor search by Luigi Giaccari, available at: or - Boosted decision tree code by Derek Hoiem, available at: Check within each of the following directories and make sure you compile the .mex files. They are required for this software to run: - boost, nearestneighbor


