
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2016-08-31 16:04:18
上 传 者sssa2000
说明:  DirectXCommandBuffer的lib,模拟command buffer的实现
(DirectXCommandBuffer impl the command buffer)

AllDirectXCommandBuffer_2005.sln (2880, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib (0, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\CBMacros.h (22912, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\CBMemoryBuffer.cpp (4988, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\CBMemoryBuffer.h (11186, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\CBPlayer9.cpp (13495, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\CBPlayer9.h (7693, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\CBRecorder9.h (15366, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\DirectXCommandBufferLib_2005.vcproj (8480, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\GC.cfg (132, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\GC.exe (675840, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\GC_Help.txt (20314, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\MacroGenerator_Playback.xls (85504, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\MacroGenerator_Record.xls (86016, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\preprocess.bat (403, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\PREPROCESSEDBUILD_CBPlayer9.cpp (156, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\RedirectingDirect3DDevice9.h (32235, 2008-07-15)
DirectXCommandBufferLib\targetver.h (765, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples (0, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing (0, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\directx.ico (25214, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUT.cpp (277880, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUT.h (19181, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTcamera.cpp (54784, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTcamera.h (18300, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTenum.cpp (156692, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTenum.h (17080, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTgui.cpp (223832, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTgui.h (39748, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTmisc.cpp (67465, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTmisc.h (23371, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTres.cpp (845548, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTres.h (757, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTsettingsdlg.cpp (114252, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\DXUTsettingsdlg.h (9400, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\env2.bmp (196664, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\Instancing.cpp (65344, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\Instancing.fx (8179, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\Instancing.jpg (11885, 2008-07-15)
DXSamples\Instancing\Instancing.manifest (1010, 2008-07-15)
... ...

DirectX Command Buffer Lib Version 1.0, 7/21/2008 See license.txt for copyright and license information. ________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTENTS OF PACKAGE 3. LIBRARY OVERVIEW 4. SAMPLES 5. VERSION HISTORY ________________________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION The DirectX Command Buffer Library provides in-memory serialization of most calls to a Direct3D9 device, enabling recording and playback. This functionality allows parallel rendering from multiple threads. This package also contains small test applications for this library. A presentation at Microsoft Gamefest 2008 discusses this library, and reviews measured performance improvements. That presentation can be found here: ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. CONTENTS OF PACKAGE \AllDirectXCommandBuffer_2005.sln - Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 solution containing library and sample projects \license.txt - License information \readme.txt - This file \DirectXCommandBufferLib - Code for Library \DXSamples - Samples \Instancing - Uses D3DEffects \Textures - Simple parallel rendering of DX Textures sample \TexturesMultiThreaded - Stress test sample included ability to dynamically scale thread count, per draw overhead, and draw call count ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. LIBRARY OVERVIEW Build process: The library makes use of macros to provide implementations for recording and playing back command buffers. Permutations of the macros are required for varying argument count. To ease the development of macros with consistent functionality, spreadsheets are used to generate the various permutations. Debugging through code provided by macros is difficult, and so files using macros are first preprocessed and then run through a code beautifier. This is done by using custom build steps on selected files in the project. The code beautifier is GC.exe, or "Great Code", from the sourceforge project: Key classes: CBMemoryBuffer A storage location for command buffers. These memory buffers are allocated and managed by an application. CBRecorder9 Derived from the IDirect3DDevice9 interface, this class acts as a "recording device". An application must first set the memory buffer with SetCommandBuffer(), then call BeginCommandBuffer(). Rendering operations can then be performed. Finally, EndCommandBuffer() should be called. CBPlayer9 This class can be used to play back a command buffer on a real device. RedirectingDirect3DDevice9 Derived from the IDirect3DDevice9 interface, this class acts as a device and will pass through any calls to either a real device or another class implementing the IDirect3DDevice9 interface. A pointer of a redirecting device can be given to classes, such as a D3DEffect, that retain a pointer to a device. Then, the operation of that device can be changed. E.g. when Effects are created they can be given a true device, and then during rendering be redirected to a command buffer. RedirectingEffectStateManager Similar to RedirectingDirect3DDevice9, and also located in the RedirectingDirect3DDevice9.h file. This class wraps an ID3DXEffectStateManager interface. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. SAMPLES Instancing Based off the DX sample, "Instancing", this sample uses command buffers when in the "HWSkinning" mode. This sample's code is largely experimental, contains many #ifdef statements trying different approaches. This sample does use the D3DEffect classes with command buffers Textures Based off the DX tutorial sample, "Textures", this sample is a minimal amount of code needed to perform rendering to command buffers from multiple threads in parallel. This sample is a good place to see what code is necessary to use this library. TexturesMultiThreaded This is the best sample to use interactively to see the results of parallel command buffer recording. This sample greatly extends the "Texture" sample to add several dynamically controllable parameters, and to facilitate measuring performance results. The sample starts off with multithreading disabled. Press the "Toggle MultiThreading" button to enable a slider that sets the recorder thread count (these are in addition to the playback thread). The automated tested functionality appends to a log file c:\testresults.txt "No Playback Overlap" forces all recording threads to complete, then plays back all command buffers, then starts the next frame. Default behavior is to play back command buffers from a previous frame while recording the next. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial release - First version of library. Developed for and used in Gamefest presentation.


