
上传日期:2016-09-05 21:49:49
上 传 者zengjianb
说明:  日历控件,多种风格,实现不同时区的转换,仅供参考
(Calendar controller, a variety of styles,achieve the conversion of different regions)

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RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj (0, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj (35630, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj\project.xcworkspace (0, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj\project.xcworkspace\contents.xcworkspacedata (135, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj\xcshareddata (0, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj\xcshareddata\xcschemes (0, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcodeproj\xcshareddata\xcschemes\RSDayFlowExample.xcscheme (4386, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcworkspace (0, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample.xcworkspace\contents.xcworkspacedata (234, 2015-09-16)
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RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\Images.xcassets\LaunchImage.launchimage (0, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\Images.xcassets\LaunchImage.launchimage\Contents.json (442, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFAppDelegate.h (1364, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFAppDelegate.m (4095, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerCollectionView.h (1363, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerCollectionView.m (1414, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerCollectionViewLayout.h (1387, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerCollectionViewLayout.m (1583, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerDayCell.h (1335, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerDayCell.m (2663, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerDaysOfWeekView.h (1363, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerDaysOfWeekView.m (1549, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerMonthHeader.h (1351, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerMonthHeader.m (1814, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerView.h (1323, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFCustomDatePickerView.m (1981, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFDatePickerViewController.h (1403, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDFDatePickerViewController.m (9464, 2015-09-16)
RSDayFlow-1.2.0\Example\RSDayFlowExample\RSDayFlowExample-Info.plist (1238, 2015-09-16)
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# RSDayFlow [![Build Status](](


iOS 7 Calendar with Infinite Scrolling. Only need 4 lines of code to set up. > [RSDayFlow]( is a slim fork of [DayFlow]( with updates and extensions: > * Visual feedback of the currently selected cell * Possibility to mark the date * Design like iOS 7 * Much more updates ## Installation [CocoaPods]( is the recommended method of installing RSDayFlow. Simply add the following line to your `Podfile`: #### Podfile ```ruby pod 'RSDayFlow' ``` ## Basic Usage Import the class header. ``` objective-c #import "RSDFDatePickerView.h" ``` Just create your date picker view and set a delegate / a data source if needed. ``` objective-c - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; RSDFDatePickerView *datePickerView = [[RSDFDatePickerView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds]; datePickerView.delegate = self; datePickerView.dataSource = self; [self.view addSubview:datePickerView]; } ``` ## Delegate (optional) `RSDFDatePickerView` provides three delegate methods. The method `datePickerView:shouldHighlightDate:` asks the delegate if the date should be highlighted during tracking. The method `datePickerView:shouldSelectDate:` asks the delegate if the specified date should be selected. The method `datePickerView:didSelectDate:` called when a user click on a specific date. To use them, implement the delegate in your view controller. ```objective-c @interface ViewController () ``` Then implement the delegate functions. ```objective-c // Returns YES if the date should be highlighted or NO if it should not. - (BOOL)datePickerView:(RSDFDatePickerView *)view shouldHighlightDate:(NSDate *)date { return YES; } // Returns YES if the date should be selected or NO if it should not. - (BOOL)datePickerView:(RSDFDatePickerView *)view shouldSelectDate:(NSDate *)date { return YES; } // Prints out the selected date. - (void)datePickerView:(RSDFDatePickerView *)view didSelectDate:(NSDate *)date { NSLog(@"%@", [date description]); } ``` ## DataSource (optional) `RSDFDatePickerView` provides three data source methods. The method `datePickerView:shouldMarkDate:` asks the data source if the date should be marked. The method `datePickerView:markImageColorForDate:` asks the data source about the color of the default mark image for the specified date. The method `datePickerView:markImageForDate:` asks the data source about the mark image for the specified date. The method `datePickerView:markImageColorForDate:` will be ignored if the method `datePickerView:markImageForDate:` is implemented. To use these methods, implement the data source in your view controller. ```objective-c @interface ViewController () ``` Then implement the data source functions. ```objective-c // Returns YES if the date should be marked or NO if it should not. - (BOOL)datePickerView:(RSDFDatePickerView *)view shouldMarkDate:(NSDate *)date { // The date is an `NSDate` object without time components. // So, we need to use dates without time components. NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar]; unsigned unitFlags = NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit; NSDateComponents *todayComponents = [calendar components:unitFlags fromDate:[NSDate date]]; NSDate *today = [calendar dateFromComponents:todayComponents]; return [date isEqual:today]; } // Returns the color of the default mark image for the specified date. - (UIColor *)datePickerView:(RSDFDatePickerView *)view markImageColorForDate:(NSDate *)date { if (arc4random() % 2 == 0) { return [UIColor grayColor]; } else { return [UIColor greenColor]; } } // Returns the mark image for the specified date. - (UIImage *)datePickerView:(RSDFDatePickerView *)view markImageForDate:(NSDate *)date { if (arc4random() % 2 == 0) { return [UIImage imageNamed:@"img_gray_mark"]; } else { return [UIImage imageNamed:@"img_green_mark"]; } } ``` ## Customization Every view is customizable to fit your need. Create a subclass of the desired view and override the default values. ## Coming Soon - If you would like to request a new feature, feel free to raise as an issue. ## Demo Build and run the `RSDayFlowExample` project in Xcode to see `RSDayFlow` in action. Have fun. Make it faster. Fork and send pull requests. Figure out hooks for customization. ## Contact Ruslan Skorb - - - ## License This project is is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. Attribution by linking to the [project page]( is appreciated.


