
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-04-02 11:22:20
上 传 者maipeipeng
说明:  完成以下菜单项功能,要求执行完一个功能后自动输出二叉链表的广义表形式或凹入形式: 按带空子树的前序序列建树; 输出前序、中序、后序遍历序列(递归算法); 输出结点个数、叶子结点个数; 输出二叉树的深度; 按凹入格式输出二叉树; 按广义表格式输出二叉树; 查询前序遍历序列的第i个结点; 一般二叉树的查找:给定值是否在二叉树中; 建立二叉排序树; 二叉排序树的查找。 使用二叉排序树完成排序。
(Complete the following menu items feature that requires a function executed automatically after the output of the generalized binary linked list or recess in the form of tables in the form: according to the tree with the empty sequence of the first order contribution output pre-order, in sequence, after traversing sequence (recursive algorithm ) output node number, the number of leaf nodes output binary tree of depth binary format output by indentation table format output by the generalized binary tree check order traversal sequence before the first i nodes general binary tree search: whether a given value of the binary tree create binary sort tree binary search tree sort. Complete binary tree using the sort order.)

二叉树\Debug\main.obj (271185, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug\tree.obj (203111, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug\vc60.idb (115712, 2011-01-12)
二叉树\Debug\vc60.pdb (110592, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug\二叉树.exe (573492, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug\二叉树.ilk (833872, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug\二叉树.pch (2012128, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug\二叉树.pdb (1336320, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\main.cpp (4653, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\tree.cpp (6642, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\tree.h (1260, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\二叉树.dsp (4396, 2010-11-18)
二叉树\二叉树.dsw (520, 2010-11-18)
二叉树\二叉树.ncb (74752, 2011-01-12)
二叉树\二叉树.opt (54784, 2011-01-12)
二叉树\二叉树.plg (1259, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\二叉树.sln (339, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\二叉树.suo (6656, 2010-12-02)
二叉树\Debug (0, 2010-11-26)
二叉树 (0, 2011-01-12)


