
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-04-02 22:02:58
上 传 者zxbpopo
说明:  BMP位图包括位图文件头结构BITMAPFILEHEADER、位图信息头结构BITMAPINFOHEADER、位图颜色表RGBQUAD和位图像素数据四部分。处理位图时要根据文件的这些结构得到位图文件大小、位图的宽、高、实现调色板、得到位图像素值等等。这里要注意的一点是在BMP位图中,位图的每行像素值要填充到一个四字节边界,即位图每行所占的存储长度为四字节的倍数,不足时将多余位用0填充
(BMP bitmap file bitmap header structure, including BITMAPFILEHEADER, bitmap information header structure BITMAPINFOHEADER, color table RGBQUAD bitmap and the bitmap pixel data of four parts. When dealing with bitmap these structures are based on the file size of bitmap files, bitmap width, height and realize the palette to get the bitmap pixel values ​ ​ and so on. Here we must note that in the BMP bitmap, bitmap pixels per line to fill a four-byte boundary, the share of the throne map storage length of each line is a multiple of four bytes, extra bits will be used less 0 filled)

BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\Debug\Sample.bmp (65978, 1996-05-14)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\Debug\showbmp.exe (118848, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\MainFrm.cpp (2508, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\MainFrm.h (1581, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\res\showbmp.ico (1078, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\res\showbmp.rc2 (399, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\res\showbmpDoc.ico (1078, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\res\Toolbar.bmp (1078, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\Resource.h (641, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.aps (43956, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.clw (2353, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.cpp (4227, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.dsp (4576, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.dsw (539, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.h (1367, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.ncb (50176, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.opt (54784, 2003-09-05)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.plg (888, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmp.rc (11642, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmpDoc.cpp (4163, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmpDoc.h (1640, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmpView.cpp (3256, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\showbmpView.h (1858, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\StdAfx.cpp (209, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\StdAfx.h (1054, 2003-03-30)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\Debug (0, 2011-04-02)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp\res (0, 2011-04-02)
BMP bitmap operation\showbmp (0, 2011-04-02)
BMP bitmap operation (0, 2011-04-02)


