
上传日期:2016-11-26 20:24:18
上 传 者lius123
说明:  机会路由及其安全性分析,含有omnet++安装说明,及相关说明文档
(Opportunistic Routing and Security Analysis)

1 机会路由及其安全性分析 (0, 2016-11-21)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\.DS_Store (8196, 2015-09-23)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\CAJViewer 7.2.lnk (1114, 2015-10-08)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\Opportunistic routing for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks Present and future directions.pdf (157812, 2015-08-30)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\Opportunistic routing in multi-hop wireless networks.pdf (4287821, 2015-08-30)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\Read Me.txt (159, 2015-08-30)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS (0, 2016-11-21)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\.cproject (9573, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\.nedfolders (16, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\.oppbuildspec (278, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\.project (2818, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc (0, 2016-11-21)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy (0, 2016-11-21)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\annotated.html (9288, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\annotated.js (1989, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\bc_s.png (677, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO-members.html (19654, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO.html (49367, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO.js (712, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO.png (379, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO__RoutingTable-members.html (23229, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO__RoutingTable.html (28689, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO__RoutingTable.js (453, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDTDYMO__RoutingTable.png (766, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDT__MSG-members.html (59396, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDT__MSG.html (33781, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDT__MSG.js (2222, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classDT__MSG.png (974, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classEgoAdjacency-members.html (9344, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classEgoAdjacency.html (44191, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classEgoAdjacency.js (1324, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\classEPDYMO-members.html (19223, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\RDYMO_8h.html (6234, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\resize.js (2370, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\SAMPhO_8cc.html (7929, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\SAMPhO_8cc.js (184, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\SAMPhO_8h.html (6356, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\SAMPhO__RoutingTable_8cc.html (10263, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\SAMPhO__RoutingTable_8cc.js (227, 2015-04-10)
1 机会路由及其安全性分析\SAORS\doc\doxy\SAMPhO__RoutingTable_8h.html (6895, 2015-04-10)
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+----------------------+ | README | +----------------------+ == Introduction == For the needs of research, multiple routing schemes might be required to be examined. To simplify this whole process, a common base system was introduced, the Socially-Aware Opportunistic Routing System (SAORS). It provides a simple platform, based on the OMNET++ INETMANET framework, for developing and simulating opportunistic routing protocols. SAORS is based on the simple idea that ad-hoc and opportunistic networking can be combined to provide a reliable solution against disruptions. Additionally, the fact that opportunistic routing protocols are able to operate using the same or similar data structures and functions as the ad-hoc protocols, greatly simplifies their implementation complexity. Up to now, OMNET++ and the INET and INETMANET frameworks do not include an opportunistic routing protocol implementation. A careful examination reveals that there are three very distinctive stages in the decision procedure of every opportunistic routing protocol. SAORS takes advantage of this observation and incorporates it in the system architecture. It is based on the DYMO ad-hoc routing protocol. SAORS provides the necessary functions for the development of opportunistic schemes such as access to the node's routing table, a database for storing the Delay-Tolerant messages, as well as the ad-hoc functionality accomplished by DYMO. It is using by default a beacon mechanism to perform the social network discovery. Beacons contain the ID of the transmitting node and its most important social information (as defined by the routing protocol). == Installation == Before trying to install SAORS, you first have to have OMNET++ simulation environment and INETMANET-2.0 framework already up and running in your system. For more information on that you can check: for OMNET++ --- for INETMANET-2.0 --- After you have completed all the above steps, you can use download the compressed SAORS. In order to import the simulator into OMNET++ you just have to follow a simple procedure. First you go to File->Import and choose General->Archive File. After that you just press Next and that it. You have made it! The only thing left it to build the download project. To do this, you need to go to Run->RunConfiguration... and create a new configuration by double clicking on the OMNET++ Simulation element on the left side list. There is no simulations folder, so you will have to create your a new network to test a SAORS module. Feel free to play around! One last thing is the relationship between the SAORS Framework and the DYMO implementation in DYMOFAU of INETMANET-2.0. The directory location is this: inetmanet/src/networklayer/manetrouting/dymo_fau There you neet to change in file DYMO.h lines: private: friend class DYMO_RoutingTable; into: protected: friend class DYMO_RoutingTable; This way you allow inheritance of the DYMO class structure at all extention classes, such as SAORSBase. == Architecture == SAORS takes into account the independent stages of the opportunistic routing procedure. Therefore, it allows the development of a new opportunistic protocol only by adding the missing pieces in the code of the base system. There define the behaviour of the scheme in the following procedure: 1) How to detect neighbouring nodes (mainly using beacons) 2) How to compute the routing metrics necessary 3) How to choose the best carrier according to the computed metrics There can be filled following the hooks of the SAORSBase class. These are the following functions: sendBeacon() handleBeacon(SAORS_BEACON* my_beacon) findEncounterProb(const SAORSBase_RoutingEntry* routeToNode) compareEncounterProb(const SAORSBase_RoutingEntry* dtEntry, const SAORS_RREP* rrep) sendEncounterProb(SAORS_RREQ* rreq, const SAORSBase_RoutingEntry* dtEntry) The above functions determine the behaviour of the routing algorithm when it send or receives beacons, so what information to put in and how to extract it. The "findEncounterProb" determines the metric that the node will include in its RREQ packets and RREP, to be used for the opportunistic operation, if the destination is not found. The "sendEncounterProb" determines whether the node will reply in an in an incoming RREQ as an intermediate node, if it does not have a contemporary contact with the destination. Finally, the "compareEncounterProb" compares the RREQ requested contact probability with the one of the received RREP and determines if the nodes will accept the RREP transmitting node as an intermediate router. The final three functions might seem similar but were left like that for implementation scalability. SAORS deals with the Delay-Routing table, which is different that the one used by DYMO and stores the received opportunistic messages in its database. So, each scheme can use the specified functions to determine the choices of the nodes only, rather than the whole functionality of the opportunistic protocol. Several solutions have already been implemented, but as they as currently under development, should be used with extra care! There are: 1) PROPHET, included in a DT-DYMO implementation. 2) Epidemic routing. 3) A Random choice opportunistic protocol. 4) A SimBetTS-like routing protocol. 5) A multi-phase scheme called SAMPhO. Any extra developments and help are always welcome. For more information, please contact me. == Notes == Tested only for omnetpp-4.6 with inetmanet-2.2. For any comments email me at Nikolaos Vastardis


