上传日期:2016-11-29 10:40:38
上 传 者战斗
说明:  对图像进行建模,利用有效的码书更少模型,很好的算法。
(Towards Effective Codebookless Model for Image)

CLM_PR (0, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\classifier (0, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\classifier\get_data_label.m (1582, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\classifier\random_split_training_test.m (1550, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\classifier\SVMforClassification.m (3744, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\classifier\svmpredict.mexw64 (23040, 2015-03-21)
CLM_PR\classifier\svmtrain.mexw64 (58880, 2015-03-21)
CLM_PR\classifier\SVM_training_test.m (6969, 2014-07-21)
CLM_PR\common (0, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\common\plow_expriments.m (2346, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\common\plow_features.m (1574, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\common\res_summary.m (553, 2016-04-02)
CLM_PR\common\sp_make_dir.m (223, 2008-12-10)
CLM_PR\DimRed (0, 2016-04-07)
CLM_PR\DimRed\DimensionRed.m (2612, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\DimRed\DRsublib.m (3077, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\DimRed\lda.m (2398, 2010-11-03)
CLM_PR\DimRed\LinPCA.m (1345, 2016-04-01)
CLM_PR\DimRed\lrsvm.m (3180, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\DimRed\makefullwj.m (685, 2014-11-03)
CLM_PR\DimRed\mexLasso.m (2249, 2010-07-30)
CLM_PR\DimRed\mexLasso.mexw32 (1520640, 2010-02-22)
CLM_PR\DimRed\mexLasso.mexw64 (182272, 2012-09-15)
CLM_PR\DimRed\processingdata.m (1769, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\DimRed\Rotated_SR.m (1118, 2014-09-17)
CLM_PR\DimRed\setprms.m (1126, 2014-10-28)
CLM_PR\DimRed\sp_dist2.m (979, 2009-01-17)
CLM_PR\DimRed\testDR.m (884, 2014-09-19)
CLM_PR\feaextra (0, 2016-04-06)
CLM_PR\feaextra\compute_shape_invariant_feats.m (10881, 2014-09-16)
CLM_PR\feaextra\Contents.m (1248, 2010-03-17)
CLM_PR\feaextra\DefaultVal.m (1258, 2012-08-01)
CLM_PR\feaextra\enrichments_feats.m (8386, 2015-04-10)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbApply2d.m (1613, 2008-07-01)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbCrop.m (1214, 2008-07-01)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbDoG.mat (276960, 2008-07-01)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbGabor.mat (307712, 2008-07-01)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbMake.m (6951, 2008-11-17)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbReconstruct2d.m (3445, 2008-07-01)
CLM_PR\feaextra\FbVisualize.m (1754, 2008-07-01)
... ...

% This is a demo code to evaluate the proposed codebookless model (CLM) using % the Flickr material database. % % For theoretical and technical details, please refer to the following paper: % % Qilong Wang, Peihua Li, Wangmeng Zuo, and Lei Zhang. Towards Effective % Codebookless Model for Image Classification. Pattern Recognition, 2016. % DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2016.03.004 % % Please cite the paper above if you use the code: % % For questions, please conact: Qilong Wang (Email: qlwang at mail dot dlut dot edu dot cn), % Peihua Li (Email: peihuali at dlut dot edu dot cn) % % The software is provided ''as is'' and without warranty of any kind, % experess, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any % warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. % The computation of SIFT features depended on VLFeat package, which was self-contained in our code. % Usage of VLFeat package, please cite the following bibtex: % % @misc{vedaldi08vlfeat, % Author = {A. Vedaldi and B. Fulkerson}, % Title = {{VLFeat}: An Open and Portable Library % of Computer Vision Algorithms}, % Year = {2008}, % Howpublished = {\url{}} % % The Flickr material database was self-contained in our code. % Usage of Flickr material database, please cite the following paper: % % L. Haran, R. Rosenholtz, and E. H. Adelson. Material perception: % What can you see in a brief glance? Journal of Vision, 9(8):784, 2009. % % For classification, we employ LibSVM package which was self-contained in our code. % Usage of Flickr material database, please cite the following paper: % C.-C. Chang and C.-J. Lin. LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines. % ACM TIST, 2(3):27, 2011. % % Please run 'Run_demo_fmd.m' to evaluate the proposed codebookless model. % Our demo is programmed with Matlab R2014 on Windows ***bit OS, and runs on % a PC equipped with 32G RAM. %


