
上传日期:2017-01-11 20:56:59
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说明:  ws eiojruwaer otjhno iearhytgoseg

changelog.txt (367, 2016-11-06)
docs (0, 2016-11-06)
docs\Bsides.pdf (1559932, 2016-11-06)
docs\OSTrICaLogo.png (6335, 2016-11-06)
docs\OSTrICaWhitePaper.pdf (528096, 2016-11-06)
docs\OstricaGraph.png (45795, 2016-11-06)
main.py (8111, 2016-11-06)
ostrica (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\BlackLists (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\BlackLists\__init__.py (10449, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\CymruWhois (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\CymruWhois\__init__.py (5775, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\DeepViz (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\DeepViz\__init__.py (8847, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\DomainBigData (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\DomainBigData\__init__.py (16310, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\NortonSafeWeb (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\NortonSafeWeb\__init__.py (4171, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\PyWhois (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\PyWhois\__init__.py (12254, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\SafeBrowsing (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\SafeBrowsing\__init__.py (8268, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\SpyOnWeb (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\SpyOnWeb\__init__.py (11074, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\TCPIPutils (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\TCPIPutils\__init__.py (16540, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\ThreatCrowd (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\ThreatCrowd\__init__.py (11673, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\ThreatMiner (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\ThreatMiner\__init__.py (22219, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\VT (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\VT\__init__.py (35257, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\WebSiteInformer (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\WebSiteInformer\__init__.py (8087, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\WhoisXmlApi (0, 2016-11-06)
ostrica\Plugins\WhoisXmlApi\__init__.py (3290, 2016-11-06)
... ...

OSTrICa - Open Source Threat Intelligence Collector (An Open Source plugin-oriented framework to collect and visualize Threat Intelligence Information) ======== ![OSTrICa Graph]( https://github.com/Ptr32Void/OSTrICa/blob/master/docs/OSTrICaLogo.png "OSTrICa Graph" ) **OSTrICa** stands for Open Source Threat Intelligence Collector and is an Open Source **plugin-oriented framework** to **collect and visualize** Threat Intelligence Information. Furthermore, OSTrICa is also the Italian word for oyster: that's where the logo come from. SOC analysts, incident responders, attack investigators or cyber-security analysts need to correlate IoCs (Indicator of Compromise), network traffic patterns and any other collected data in order to get a real advantage against cyber-enemies. This is where **threat intelligence** comes into play, but unfortunately, not all the companies have enough budget to spend on Threat Intelligence Platform and Programs (TIPP); this is the main motivation behind OSTrICa's development. OSTrICa is a free and open source framework that allows everyone to automatically collect and visualize any sort of threat intelligence data harvested (IoCs), from open, internal and commercial sources using a **plugin based architecture**. The collected intelligence can be analysed by analysts but it can also be **visualized** in a graph format, **suitable for link analysis**. The visualized information can be filtered dynamically and can show, for example, connections between multiple malware based on remote connections, file names, mutex and so on so forth. ## Licence OSTrICa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OSTrICa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OSTrICa. If not, see . ## Documentation Documentation can be found in the docs directory. For example: * OSTrICa presentation (BSidesUK, London) * OSTrICa whitepaper that describes its purpose and how it works ## Dependencies OSTrICa by itself does not need any external library. Dependencies depends on the installed Plugins. For example: * `BeautifulSoup`, used by almost all the plugins to scrape web pages * `dnspython-1.12.0`, mainly used by CymruWhois plugin * `ipwhois-0.11.1`, used by PyWhois plugin * `python-deepviz-master`, used by DeepViz plugin (it requires an API key) - At the moment DeepViz plugin is not available to the public. * `python-whois-0.5.2`, used by PyWhois plugin * `pythonwhois-2.4.3`, used by PyWhois plugin * `requests`, used by ThreatCrowd/ThreatMiner plugin (query limit is set) Note: OSTrICa works on Python version >= 2.7.9 ## How to use OSTrICa In order to use OSTrICa you need to execute the file `main.py`; and to get a list of available commands you need to run the command `help`. ``` > python main.py OSTrICa v.0.5 - Open Source Threat Intellicence Collector Developed by: Roberto Sponchioni - @Ptr32Void write "help" for help > help Following options are available domain - used to collect domains information Example: domain=google.com or domain=google.com,yahoo.com ip - used to collect IP information Example: ip= or ip=, md5 - used to collect MD5 information sha256 - used to collect SHA256 information asn - used to collect ASN information email - used to collect email information graph - generate a graph based on all the information collected cola_graph - generate a graph based on all the information collected where nodes do not overlap (it might take a while to generate the graph if there are lots of nodes) gclean - clear graph information show - show all information that will be collected run - extract intelligece information help - this help plugins - show available plugins ``` To collect the information about specific IoCs you can execute the following commands: ``` >md5=747b3fd525de1af0a56***5aa29779b86,2fdeb22d2fa2***78dca12fb493df24df >domain=tinyor.info >ip= >email=jgou.veia@gmail.com >asn=16276 >run Output created in C:\Users\Roberto\Documents\GitHub\OSTrICa\report\a0b***3ae-e30a-46dc-a1d0-b59e661595c0 > graph Graph generated in C:\Users\Roberto\Documents\GitHub\OSTrICa\viz\f4da8f02-ec9c-4700-9345-bd715de7789f.html ``` In case a verbose output is needed, it is possible to enable the `DEBUG` option in the `cfg.py`. The output will be a little bit noisy but it will show more details as per example below: ``` > run Running DeepViz() on 747b3fd525de1af0a56***5aa29779b86 Running VT() on 747b3fd525de1af0a56***5aa29779b86 cleanup VirusTotal... Running DeepViz() on 2fdeb22d2fa2***78dca12fb493df24df Running VT() on 2fdeb22d2fa2***78dca12fb493df24df cleanup VirusTotal... Running BlackListChecker() on tinyor.info cleanup BlackListChecker... Running DomainBigData() on tinyor.info cleanup DomainBigData... ``` To generate the graph 2 commands are available: * `graph`, it generates the graph based on all the collected information * `cola_graph`, it generates the graph based on all the collected information without nodes overlapping ![OSTrICa Graph]( https://github.com/Ptr32Void/OSTrICa/blob/master/docs/OstricaGraph.png "OSTrICa Graph" ) ## Currently available plugins The following list contains the currently available plugins: * `ThreatMiner` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `ThreatCrowd` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `BlackLists` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `CymruWhois` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `DomainBigData` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `NortonSafeWeb` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `PyWhois` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `SafeBrowsing` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `SpyOnWeb` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `TCPIPutils` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `VirusTotal` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `WebSiteInformer` - Developer `Ptr32Void` * `WhoisXmlApi` - Developer `Ptr32Void` ## How to develop new Plugins Plugins are stored in the directory named `Plugins`. To create a new Plugin you need to create a new subdirectory under `Plugins` and within that new directory a new `__init__.py` should be added. OSTrICa will call 2 functions within each plugins `run` and `data_visualization`, defined as follow: ```python # intelligence is the IoC provided (eg.: something@yahoo.com) # extraction_type is the typology (eg.: an MD5 or email, etc) def run(intelligence, extraction_type): # function run is the core part of the plugin. It is used to collect the information and afterwards it returns back JSON data as per below: .... code used to collect Intelligence .... # a dictionary where extraction_type is the type (md5, email, etc) and intelligence_dictionary is the JSON data collected by the plugin return {'extraction_type': extraction_type, 'intelligence_information':intelligence_dictionary} # nodes are passed by OSTrICa itself and should never be overwritten but updated because they might contain details related to the previously collected information # edges are passed by OSTrICa itself and should never be overwritten but updated because they might contain details related to the previously collected information # json_data is the json output collected by the plugin def data_visualization(nodes, edges, json_data): ``` It is also mandatory to return `nodes` and `edges` from `data_visualization` as they are used by OSTrICa. If there is no data to be visualized it is possible to return the nodes/edges with following code: ```python def data_visualization(nodes, edges, json_data): return nodes, edges ``` You should also add the following import and variables at the top of the file. ```python from ostrica.utilities.cfg import Config as cfg # used to include configuration data # used to identify what kind of data the plugin can extract: # ip = IP Address information # domain = Domain information # asn = ASN information # md5 = MD5 information # sha256 = SHA256 information # email = Email information extraction_type = [cfg.intelligence_type['ip'], cfg.intelligence_type['domain'], cfg.intelligence_type['asn']] # True if plugin is enabled, False if not enabled = True # Plugin Version version = 0.1 # Developer(s) name and contact developer = 'Your Name ' # Plugin Description description = 'Plugin used to collect information about IPs, domains or ASNs on SafeBrowsing' # True if visualization module is available for the plugin, False otherwise visual_data = True ```


