
上传日期:2017-02-21 10:38:40
上 传 者5453020
说明:  这是关于在“icp.m”中实现的ICP(迭代最近点)算法的代码。 其有使用例子 使用在“example.m”和“example2.m”中找到,其中使用最小二乘点对点最小化, 除了最小二乘最小化之外,还实现了其他标准函数。
( This is a short documatation about the ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm implemented in icp.m . Examples of its simplest usage are found in example.m and example2.m where least squares point-to-point minimization are used, see [Besl & McKay 1992]. In addition to least squares minimization other criterion functions are implemented as well. )

icp\demo.m (3747, 2016-12-12)
icp\example.m (789, 2016-11-21)
icp\example2.m (1872, 2016-11-21)
icp\example3.m (2654, 2016-11-21)
icp\icp(1).m (8330, 2016-11-21)
icp\icp.m (18343, 2016-12-14)
icp\icpOLD.m (30309, 2016-11-21)
icp\license(1).txt (1314, 2016-11-21)
icp\license.txt (1329, 2016-11-21)
icp\__MACOSX\._demo.m (216, 2016-11-21)
icp\__MACOSX\._icp.m (284, 2016-11-21)
icp\__MACOSX (0, 2017-02-21)
icp (0, 2017-02-21)

The ICP algorithm This is a short documatation about the ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm implemented in "icp.m". Examples of its simplest usage are found in "example.m" and "example2.m" where least squares point-to-point minimization are used, see [Besl & McKay 1992]. In addition to least squares minimization other criterion functions are implemented as well. These are: 1) Huber criterion function (robust) 2) Tukey's bi-weight criterion function (robust) 3) Cauchy criterion function (robust) 4) Welsch criterion function (robust) An example where Welsch criterion function is used is found in "example3.m". More information about the robust IRLS-ICP algorithm is given in [Bergstrm & Edlund 2014]. See also the documentation about "icp.m" by running "help icp" in Matlab. Reference: [Bergstrm & Edlund 2014] Bergstrm, P. and Edlund, O. 2014, 'Robust registration of point sets using iteratively reweighted least squares' Computational Optimization and Applications, vol 58, no. 3, pp. 543-561., 10.1007/s10589-014-9***3-2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YouTube: Real time 3D shape analysis by comparing point cloud with CAD-model An example where an ICP-algorithm is used can be seen on YouTube, https://youtu.be/lm7_mwpOk0E A demonstration of shape matching, shape comparison, and shape identification is presented. The IGES-toolbox is used to read the CAD-models into Matlab, http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13253-iges-toolbox


