
开发工具:Borland C++
上传日期:2011-04-14 10:03:10
上 传 者no_user
说明:  运行主程序,然后在要抓包的游戏或者程序里面按小键盘的星号键呼叫。 然后点“开始”,就可以抓包了,点“停止”是停止抓包,回到游戏点“关闭本窗口”, 在在上面的筐筐里面可以写上保存的文件名,一般是TXT文件,要打完整的路径和名字 否则出错,退出前一定要点“释放本窗口”,不然会出错。再有就是有些游戏会无发呼叫本窗口。 本程序源代码BCB 5.0通过。 本程序只钩挂了"send","sendto","recv","recvfrom"这4个函数,WSAsend等不钩挂, 因为是用API钩子写的抓包程序,而且小弟也是菜鸟,难免有BUG。源代码可以任意修改和发布。 你改得好的话请给我一份。小弟感激不尽。
(Run main program then grasp package games or procedures inside press small keyboard star key call. And then "Start", you can get caught, and point "stop" is to stop the packet capture and return to game point, "Close the window" Basket basket in which the above can be written to save the file name, usually TXT files or play the full path and name Otherwise an error, exit before a certain point, "the release of the window", or be wrong. There is also some games will not send the call of the window. The source code through the BCB 5.0. This procedure only hook the "send", "sendto", "recv", "recvfrom" This four functions, WSAsend, which do not hook, Because it is written with the Ethereal API hook procedures, and younger brother is also a rookie, it is inevitable that BUG. Source code can be modified and released. Well if you change please give me a copy. Brother grateful.)

green\hook.bpf (238, 2004-04-07)
green\hook.bpr (2680, 2004-04-07)
green\hook.dll (384000, 2004-04-19)
green\hook.lib (2260, 2004-04-19)
green\hook.~bpf (208, 2004-04-07)
green\hook.~bpr (2660, 2004-04-07)
green\main\greenpacket.bpr (2668, 2004-03-31)
green\main\greenpacket.cpp (734, 2004-03-31)
green\main\greenpacket.obj (14541, 2004-04-19)
green\main\greenpacket.res (876, 2004-03-31)
green\main\greenpacket.~bpr (2660, 2004-03-31)
green\main\greenpacket.~cpp (713, 2004-03-31)
green\main\hook.dll (384000, 2004-04-19)
green\main\hook.lib (2260, 2004-04-19)
green\main\Unit1.cpp (990, 2004-03-31)
green\main\Unit1.dfm (1398, 2004-04-19)
green\main\Unit1.h (1020, 2004-04-07)
green\main\Unit1.obj (36646, 2004-04-19)
green\main\Unit1.~cpp (990, 2004-03-31)
green\main\Unit1.~dfm (1398, 2004-04-08)
green\main\Unit1.~h (990, 2004-03-31)
green\Unit1.asm (205236, 2004-04-19)
green\Unit1.cpp (11609, 2004-04-08)
green\Unit1.obj (57506, 2004-04-19)
green\Unit1.~cpp (11593, 2004-04-07)
green\Unit2.cpp (1740, 2004-04-19)
green\Unit2.dfm (2110, 2004-04-07)
green\Unit2.h (1398, 2004-04-07)
green\Unit2.obj (43262, 2004-04-19)
green\Unit2.~cpp (1717, 2004-04-07)
green\Unit2.~dfm (2110, 2004-04-07)
green\Unit2.~h (1368, 2004-04-07)
green\说明.txt (571, 2004-04-07)
green\main (0, 2010-12-14)
green (0, 2010-12-14)


