
上传日期:2017-04-10 17:31:08
上 传 者jasonliang
说明:  多目标进化算法框架,包括MOEAD、NSGA2等经典多目标进化算法。
(The MOEA Framework is a free and open source Java library for developing and experimenting with multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) and other general-purpose multiobjective optimization algorithms. The MOEA Framework supports genetic algorithms, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, genetic programming, grammatical evolution, and more. A number of algorithms are provided out-of-the-box, including NSGA-II, NSGA-III, 蔚-MOEA, GDE3 and MOEA/D. In addition, the MOEA Framework provides the tools necessary to rapidly design, develop, and statistically test optimization algorithms.)

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The MOEA Framework - ==================================================== Version: %VERSION% Release Date: %DATE% ---------- Contents ---------- 1. Introduction 2. Copyright and Licensing Information 3. Installation Instructions 4. Support, Bug Reports, Feature Requests 5. Contributing 6. Credits ----------------- 1. Introduction ----------------- The MOEA Framework is a free and open source Java library for developing and experimenting with multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) and other general-purpose multiobjective optimization algorithms. The MOEA Framework supports genetic algorithms, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, genetic programming, grammatical evolution, and more. A number of algorithms are provided out-of-the-box, including NSGA-II, NSGA-III, -MOEA, GDE3 and MOEA/D. In addition, the MOEA Framework provides the tools necessary to rapidly design, develop, execute and statistically test optimization algorithms. Its key features includes: * Fast, reliable implementations of many state-of-the-art algorithms * Extensible with custom algorithms, problems and operators * Supports master-slave, island-model, and hybrid parallelization * Modular design for constructing new algorithms from existing components * Permissive open source license * Fully documented source code * Over 1200 test cases to ensure validity ---------------------------------------- 2. Copyright and Licensing Information ---------------------------------------- Copyright 2009-2016 David Hadka and other contributors. All rights reserved. The MOEA Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MOEA Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the MOEA Framework. If not, see . The MOEA Framework is distributed with software governed by licenses other than the GNU Lesser General Public License, but which are compatible with the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Please see the LICENSE file for details. ------------------------------ 3. Installation Instructions ------------------------------ The latest version of the MOEA Framework can be downloaded from . The MOEA Framework is available in source code and binary distributions. Java 6.0 or later is required. For source code distributions, the Java Development Kit (JDK) is required to compile the code. For binary distributions, only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is necessary. Depending on your platform, the JRE or JDK can be obtained from the following vendors: Oracle * Windows, Linux and Solaris JRockit JDK * Windows, Linux and Solaris * May provide better performance and scalability on Intel 32 and ***-bit architectures OpenJDK * Ubuntu 8.04 (or later), Fedora 9 (or later), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, openSUSE 11.1, Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 and OpenSolaris IBM * AIX, Linux and z/OS Apple The source code can be imported directly into the Eclipse development environment . First, launch Eclipse. Second, select the 'Import...' option from the File menu. In the popup window, ensure the General > Existing Projects into Workspace item is highlighted and click Next. Finally, set the root directory to the extracted MOEA Framework source code folder and click Finish. The MOEA Framework is now properly configured in Eclipse. Alternatively, an Ant build script is provided to automatically compile the source code and package the compiled classes in a JAR file. Ant binaries can be obtained from . As an example, the compiled JAR is produced with the following command: ant package-binary (for Unix/Linux) ant.bat package-binary (for Windows) The MOEA Framework is distributed with all required third-party libraries located in the lib/ directory. These libraries must be made accessible to the JRE in order to compile and run the MOEA Framework and any applications that import or link to the MOEA Framework. If imported into Eclipse as described above, all libraries are automatically accessible. Otherwise, the libraries must be specified manually whenever compiling or running the code using one of the following methods: * Specify JARs on classpath (Unix/Linux only) java -classpath $(echo lib/*.jar | sed 's/ /:/g'):. * Specify JARs on classpath with wildcard java -classpath ".:lib/*" Windows and Cygwin users will need to replace the colon (:) with a semi-colon (;). * Specify JARs in extension directories java -Djava.ext.dirs=lib The only optional library, JUnit 4, is required for running unit tests. The latest version of JUnit 4 can be downloaded from and should be placed in the lib/ folder. The unit tests themselves are located in the test/ folder. Use 'ant -f test.xml' to run the unit tests. ------------------------------------------- 4. Support, Bug Reports, Feature Requests ------------------------------------------- Visit to receive support, report bugs, request new features or keep up-to-date with the latest copy of the MOEA Framework. The developers can be contacted at if you have any direct questions, comments or concerns. ----------------- 5. Contributing ----------------- The MOEA Framework is free and open source. While no contributions of any kind are necessary to use this library, contributions of all kinds are appreciated: new feature additions, bug fixes, testing, documentation, user support, translations, promotions, etc. Even the smallest contribution can make a huge difference. Please visit our Github page at to learn more. ------------ 6. Credits ------------ Special thanks to all individuals and organizations who have contributed to this and other free and open source projects. Lead Developer - David Hadka Third-Party Libraries (see the LICENSE file for more details): Apache Commons CLI Apache Commons Codec Apache Commons Lang Apache Commons Math JCommon JFreeChart JUnit JMetal RSyntaxTextArea PISA CEC 2009 test problems Walking Fish Group (WFG) test problems Sobol Sequence Generator The Unsung Heros (Software Tools Used by the Developers): Eclipse EclEmma FindBugs Ant Checkstyle Git


